VO L, xn. NO. 25i>.
Emperor of India Is Backed from 30 to 4 to 1—
Cressina Scores a Brilliant Victory — Op-
tician Displays Unusual Speed.
Nrw Yolk, Oct<J»or 20.— Wintry wf-alhor reduced
today’s MUendjiiuv at J.imaica to the n*sulars. The
feature, the Retnsen Handicap, at live and n half
fnrloncs for two-year-olds, was captured by Frank
Cill ill easy fashion. The vict(M*y of Ko.val Breeze
ill the opening race was greeted with cheers. From
his place in tlie stewards’ stand. P. J. Hwyer, the
venerable owner of the colt, snail incly aeknowhvlgiMl
this iinhpie and unusual trilaite to him as
a turfmen. Optician’s extraordinary display of speed
in the sprint handicap excltcsl wondering comment.
A maj«*rity of tlie liorsenien presmit attrilmted his
snddmi dazzling improvement to artiiicial stimula
Hon. .Tack .Toyner’s mare Cressina won a brilliant
victory in the last race and critics have assigned her
a place at the top of the handicap division in present
On** of the biggest “killings” of the season was
[tilt through with EiniM‘ror of India. Not a dollar
was in evidence at tlie ojiening price of l.l to 1 and
the layers grew bold, ste.adily going up. The iiack-
ing developed later amt M11Ter’$ mount was b.-nked
down from :vo to 1 to ^ to 1 at the close.
t’ad Itoggett. Ih<* (dnbhonse eoinmissimier. retired
t«alay for tlie season. Ikiggett was formerlj' a jm-kev
and a pronouii<-e*l failure in that line. For the past
eight y«‘ars he has made a Idg book in the elnblioii-se
enclosure, taking many sensational wagers and on
more than one occasion has liet men like tJates,
Hrake. .fohiLson and the Raineys to a standstill.
He is reputed to be worth $.‘iO0.00t>.
Eastern Horsemen Are Now of the Opinion That
Tommy Waddell Was not Pulled.
New York, Octolier 20. — When the .Tamaica stew-
ards suspended jockey Radtke for his snsplcimis
liMtking ride on Tommy Waddell. tlu*re ap|»eared to
Ik* a general feeling that the boy 1k*»*ii de-
serviilly fumisheil. but the tide of sentiment is flow-
ing ill the other direction now. Thus far
impiiry h.i.*< falleil to show the laiy was in collusion
with any one and horsemen are of the opinion that
h«* n»d** the horse to the liest of his aiulity or at
least in keeping with the instructions that were
given him. t'oneeniing the matter Radtke has
mail** this statement:
•*1 didn’t pull Tommy Waddell, and I haven’t
pulled any other horse. I am in the jo<*key business
to win. That’s what gets the money. 'Jliis imlling
Imsiiiess don’t get ymi anything. 1 pick up a little
side money once in a while, Imt it woiihl jMit me in
bad sure if 1 want to be a star, and I want to
make all the lionest money 1 can. It’s a HH) to 1
shot that a jo<*key who is trying to get up a *rep’
ain’t going to pull horses.
“1 didn’t know 1 was going to ride Tommy Wad-
ib*ll until !.■» minutes liefore we started. I didn’t
hav<‘ a mount and Mr. IVters came to me and aske«l
me ili<l I want to ride Bizzy Izzy. Tliat horse is a
had actor and never has won a race. As I liaii lieen
set di*wn several times I didn’t want to rid** a laid
actor, for f«*ar the sicw'ards would think d was the
bad actor ami .*»ei me down again. Bizzy Izz.v is
als«» a biter. Then .Mr. Hynes, who owns ’I’ommv
Waddell, told Mr, l'et<*rs that he didn’t have a rider
and that 1 would do.
"In the paddock Mr. Hynes, in giving me the final
orders, said: *Now. this horse is liable to sulk,
«lon’t yon strike him with the whip.’
’*! said ‘.M! right’ and we slarteil. I did the liest
1 <«mld with liiui and came within an iiwh of lin-
ishing third. Now, that’s the truth alMHit the wlnde
irmihle. It may have looked suspieious lK*<*anse 1
<ridii’l put the whip to Waddell, but that was iiiy
-Memphis, Tenn., <k*tober 29. — Many factions of
deiii«MTats and repnblieans, the democrats especiallv,
are eviiK*ing a desire to place Tenessee in line with
Missouri as having caused the followers of thm-
oiighbreds to move to another climate, and at several
<*onventions held by wings of the deniooratic party, a
I)latn>rm has been adopted which favors the passing
•of a law hwtlle to racing men and their interests.
• leneral .Malccdm R. Patterson, democratic candidate
for governor, has plaoecl himself on record as saying
111 at if any anti-racetrack bill is passed in the next
general assembly, he will sign the bill. Otherwise
General Patterson* Is regarded by racetrack men as
a friend of their interests, for his ante<*edent8 were
closely identified with the thoroughbred interests of
luiddle Tennessee, and he himself has tieeii often
Been at Mootgomwy Park on Derby days taking keen
Interest in tbe burse aud every angle of the si>ort.
Wins About Half the Added Money — Society Folks
Give the Layers a Drubbing.
Wa.Hhington, D. C., October 29. — The Hampton
stalde was again in ovidenee today, the last of the
Fniieil Hunts meeting here. Palm and Pete Dailey
were the wimv'rs for the stable, making three
straight victories for the latter and two for the
former. All told the stable has won seven raies
ajid alxuil .$l.db0 in purses or almost one-half of
the entire amount of added money offered. Mr.
Smith, ouTter of the stable, also leads the riders
with four wiiming mounts. The meeting was a
decided triumph for the owners from this section,
Gypsic being the only New York horse to win
a stoeples'liase.
The one drawback was the lack of horses and
as a result the fields were small. The weather was
clear, the track fast and the racing Interesting.
Notwithstanding the light fields, the public has
had all the liest of the speculation, the dozen
layers that came over from New York getting
quite a dnihhing.
During the running of the sixth race Adams In
si^rae way cut his tendon Imdly and was pulleil np.
He was a hot favorite at 2 to 5. A. Jackson, who
ro<le Setaukot in tills race, showed his gameness
by remounting the horse after two falls and taking
s*M-on*l inoney^
Rains Have Made the Track Heavy— Twelve Days
of Splendid Racing Expected.
Baltimore, Md. October 29.— Several carloads of
burst's arrival at the Pimlico track totlay, and
others will get in tomorrow' niid siic«-ee«llng days
until the meeting opens next Thnrsilay. The Fiiited
Hunts meeting cl<»se<l at Bennings t«^ay anti nearlj'
all of the stables now In Washington will .•ddp
here, anti tht*re promises to he a eotifintia Horn of the
interest in races for amateur riders. t^eiTctary
Riggs has lK*en considerinj; the advisalilllty of fuil-
tlng more r.xees on the program for the gentlemen
jockeys. Alreads' then* are several races in which '
tli€*y will lie in the sadifle. Tlie first chance they
will have will lie on Saturday next, when the Hotel
Caswell Cup will Ik* run. It is a race at six fur-
longs at thirty imhuhLs above the .scale, whicli will
enable all the cniek amateurs to take mounts. A
purse of I-IOO is added, and the rider of the winner
will re<*elve a handsome silver cup.
There are several other flat rai*es on the tw’elve
d.ays’ [irograin in whirti the amateurs ean take
imuints, but tliere will iie more opportunities afforded
in the ra<*es tJmnigh the field. Baltimore has alw’ays
lieeii noteii for the many society folk who attend
Hie rac*es. aiul thronglKSit the meeting the grand-
I stand iMixes are crowded with fashionably dresseil
► women, who are of the elite of the city. For this
reas*>n anialenr races are ex<*ee<lingly popular.
Baltimore's patronage of tlie sixwt has
done iiiiieh to promote racing in this city. From a
\ little two or tlu'ce <lays’ affair the meidings have
r grown so that now every spring and fall the
[ .Maryland J(K*key Club holds a tw’o- weeks’ session.
* R;iclng was never more popular in Baltimore than
I it Is now', and the increaseil attendance every year
made it olivions that the Pimlico course was inade-
t qnate. The ofiieials of the Maryland .Tockey Cliih,
I encouraged by the support given the meetings,
f iiere ttierefore imliiced to look for another place,
* ami the result was the selectioo of Halethorpe, a
1 station seven miles frmn Baltimore on the Baltimore
► A: Ohio, and Pennsylvania Railroads, lietween here
L and Washington. Tliis speaks miiHi for the liealth-
’ fulness of (lie sport, conducted as it is under the
aiispi<*es of The ,Io<*ke 5 * Club,
The roster of oflh'ials for tiie coming meeting
^ will lie practieall.v the same as at the spring
I meeting, H. J. Morris will Ik* the steward repre-
I seating the Jo<*key Club. Joseph A. -Mnrpliy will
» lie the judge and luindieapi>er, while .John Boden
1 will tK* racing se«Tetar>' and clerk of the scales.
' 'I’here will Ik* six races each day. including a
< steeplcihase. The rains have infde the going at
1‘iinlico somewhat heavy, but trainers have hail
" their runners out every morning and some gtHHi
work has Ikvu dom*. 'I'he horses ttiat have been
1 here for several we«*ks are in fine shape to meet
i thus*' that come directly from New York and other
tracks. Tlie steeplechase course is in excellent
t condition and presents as safe a field as any in tlie
* country.
'■ Walter .Miller’s average of winners at Jamaica
last week was two a day. His total for Hie year
is :{0G, the re<*ord. He Improved a point in per-
centage during Hie past w’eek. Here Is the standing
f of the twenty leading race winners to aud includlDg
. Octolier 27:
W. Miller . .
.27 12
. . 848
.33 5
.’2f; 1
. . 71»7
.22 1
D. Austin . . . .
.. 778
.16 «3
.. 732
.15 2
B. Robinson .
.. «78
.17 0
.. 712
.16 2
.. 514
.19 0
Mountain . . . .
.. r>40
.18 1
.. 417
.21 2
.. U89
.12 1
J. Martin ...
.. 482
.17 0
M. Preston . .
.. 603
.14 0
Moreland . . . .
.. tH4
.13 3
W. Knapp . . .
.. .599
.14 1
W. Fischer . .
.. 516
.15 3
R. McDaniel .
.. .581
.1.3 0
. . tio3
.11 1
T. Clark . . . .
.. 455
.10 0
A. B. Spreckels Enters the Tbirteen-Year-Old Stal-
lion in Oakland’s Long Distance Event.
San Francisco, Cal., October 29. — Horsemen will
be surprised to hear Hiat the English stallion
Marius TI., which, with Solitaire II. lias iieen at
the head of the Spreckels Stock Farm Stud at
Napa, is to be put in training. Marins II. never
raceil in -America, and the experiment of racing him
after .several years retirement will he w’ati*hed
with interest. He has lieen entered in the M’ater-
Inmse (’up at two and one-quarter miles and tlie
Thonilon Stakea at four miles.
.Marins II. is thirteen years old. He is by St.
Serf, mit of Sunny Queen, by New’minster. Sunny
Qiioen w'as s«*nt to France from England in 3892
after being mateil with St. Serf. The follow’ing
spring Marins II. W'as foaled in France. He was
not raced in that country, bnt was taken to Eng-
laivd as a two-year-old by Mon.sienr R. Ijeboiidy,
and was raced by him three seasons, lieing then
sold by auetion to C. D. Ross for |ri.2TiO. He later
passeil to E. Cassell and it was in his colors that
he ran his last race, in 3898. In 3902 lie was*bronght
to Anierh*a and placed in the stud at Mr.
Spreckels’ farm In (Tallfornia. Elmdale, Clnna and
Frank Fle.siier .are among Ills two year-olds now
.Marins II. was a good raeeliorse in England. . He
w'on ten of liis twenty -seven starts. At two years
of age he was second for Hu* Steward’s Nursery
Itandieap at Hurst Park. eon«*eding twelve poiuvds
to Hie winner, six furlongs, six starters; third for
Hie n*^Mighfon Stakes. Newmarket, beaten a head
for the place, the Rowley mile; iiiiphieeil for the
Moleeomb Stakes at GikkIwockI.
At three be won Uie Hartw'ell Plate, one mile, at
Northampton, 124 pounds; wwi Montefiore Plate,
mie mile, at Gat wick; third for the Wnlton Weller
PLatv. nhCTnTle. rtt^empton Park; won the Regnla-
ilon Pl.-ite (w'alkover). one mile, at Park;
won the Ciirfew’ Plate, on** mile, at Windsor; seioiid
for the Eaton Plate, om* mile, at Cliestcr; won
the Chatswortli Plate, one mile, at Derby; nnpbiced
for the Stakes at Derliy, one mile, seven-
teen startei*s.
At four he was second for the Lincoln Autumn
Handicap, one and one-hnlf miles, conceding winner
age .and eight pounds; won the Gopsall Plate, two
miles, at Ijeieester, seven starters; won (dead heat)
Kemplon l*ark Handicap, one and one half miles;
s**<*ond for the Halnton Stakes at Lincoln, one and
one-lmlf miles, beaten a h«*ad, carrying twelve
p*Miiids, tw'enty-three more than Hie Hiree-year-old
winner; nnpla<‘ed three times.
.\t five he won the Castle Ashley H.'indieap, one
and one half miles, six lengths, ten starters, t<H»
w*‘ight: tliird for the Southeastern Hnndii*ap, one
.ami one half miles, eight starters; next to top
welghf: won the Gooilw'ooil I’late, tw'o ami one-linlf
mills, by Hire** lengtiis. seven starters; won the
('Jianipney Handicap, two miles, six starters, top
welgtit; third fi>r the Kempton Park Handicap, ten
starters; third for the Harewood Handicap, Kempton
Park, six starters, top weight; second for Hie
NorHiamptonshlre Stakes, T~A pounds. con<*edlng
twelve pounds to winner; iinplaeeil for the Asi*ot
Stakes and Dnrdans Handicap at Ep.soni.
lK*xington, Ky.. October 29. — Frank Jones, tbe vet-
eran trainer, who, in the last twenty .vears has de-
veloped iiianv famous horses, including Clarence H.
Maekay’s Brooklyn and .Metropolitan Hanillcap win-
ner, Baiiastar, has <*ome home to w’inter after seeing
all Hie racing in the east this year. He says Salvi-
dere stands mit all alone among the two-year-olds
of the season, with the exi*epllon of the Futurity
winner Electioneer, and he has at that the edge on
the suHi of Voter, as he l>eat him in the Montauk
Stakes, at Brighton Bcsieh, the only time the pair
Electioneer, however, w'as a mneli improveil eoU
later in the season, and the contest the two had in
tlie earlj' stake was not a decisive test as to tlieir
relative merits. Jiuies says while Salvidere is a
goTKl looking youngster. Electioneer is the highe.<t
type In form of the two, lieing one of the grandest
colts in ap]K*aranee that lias l>een s€*en on Hu* east-
ern tracks in years.
Tlie old trainer looks for a great race next season
lietween these cracks wlieii Hiey hook up at their
b**st form as three-year-olds. Jones will take a
horse or two to Latoiiia before that meeting is over
to pick np a piii*se to pay winter feed hills. He
lias done little racing in the west for a number of
Cincinnati, O., OHober 29. — Howard Lewis, acting
for J. E. Widoner, purchased from J. B. Respess
today the good jiiraiier Ben Shaw. The price re-
, ported was $5,000. He also bought Steve Lane.
; Negotiations are pending for the purchase of Squand-
erer from J. W. Pugh. The colt is a promising
; green jumper and was schooled over the course after
! the last race for Lewis’ benefit.
breaks an ARM.
Jockey O’Neill Lets Onyx II. Run Out of the Course
and Is Ruled Off the Turf— A Be-
ginner Wins the Race.
Cincinnati, 0., Octolier ’29. — Trainer Bill Phillips
denied today the report sent out from Lexington
that b« would ship Fred Cook’s yearlings to Cali-
fornia. “I will send all the youngsters to Nashville,
where they will reeefve their racing lessons,” said
Phillips. “It is doubtful if any of Cocdc’s horses will
be raced this winter. If any are raced it will be
at New Orleans.”
Cincinnati, O, Octolier 29. — Frank Me, whl(^
with r.ady .locelyn, eaii.Me*! the public money In the
steeplechase at loitonia tmlay, fell at the sixth
jump, brcike a shoulder and was destroyed- Pember-
ton, his rider, had ills left arm broken. Lady
Jocelyn finished fourth- The race was won b.r
Falwnrd Corrigan’.s Barnes, a newcomer In the
steeplechase game.
After Frank Me <*anne to grief Onyx II., ridden
by O’Neill, assumed a long lead, Imt at the last
field jump he ran out of the course. Secretary Ly-
man Davis, who acted as patrol judge, reported
to the judges that the ruler liail made no effort
to keep the horse in the eonr-ne. O’Neill was ruled
off for life. Are liight piilkHl np very lame.
Besterllng’s vietcH^ vntis costly to at least one
of the bookmakers. It is said that hU bankroll wa»
wipeil out. Alta MeDonaUl made a notable showing
in the first race. Miss Rillie and Darthnla were
the only pronouiwed favorites to win. The former
was riiWen liy Ferris, a laii umler contract to J. B.
Respess. He is rally fourteen years old and weighs
ninety laamdsu Miss Rillie carried an extra five
pounds torlay l>er*aiise the Latonla management had
not lieen ofti(*lalf.v .arlvlsed that Ferris was entitled
to the apprentice allowance. W. Ott was fined $2.5
by the starter for disobedience at the post.
M’exford, recently purchased by Phil Chinn ran
away five miles Saturrlay night and as a result was
so stiff a ml sore today that he could not race. High
Bear ami Sjim Craig were excused on accoimt of
lameness. J. B. Dunn and E. J. Giklersleeve will
sliip their horses to Oallfoniia. F. Brown has sold
Bellevlew for $1,000 to K. Dealy. The horse wUl
be shi]>(ie«l to California. Manfred broke down badly
in the third race and it is doiibtfnl If he will ever
be a starter again. C. C’. MeOafferty clalmeil Sal-
vage after Hu* scf*ond race for $1,100.
Senior Steward of the Jockey Club in England Has
Heart to Heart Talk With Riders.
The Englisli Jockey Club made a novel move about
a fortnight ago in lecturing a nnmber of the leading
j«H*keys as to what constiuted fair and foul riding
and as to how a rider should pass another, and so
on. It was a very peculiar move on the part of
such a conservative body, for heretofore It was
never known to offer the least advice to riders, but
simply to discipline an offemlw. Of late there has
lieeii quite a lot of bumping ami unpleasant wrang-
ling, so the .To<*key Club thought the best plan was
to have a lltrle heart to heart talk with the boys.
It WHS at Newmarket that the stewards requested
the jockeys to appear before them.
tkilonel E. W. Baird, the senior steward of the
Jockey Club, and as such practically the most tn-
fiuential race course ruler in the world, was the
spokesman and he gave utterance to some, exceed-
ingly sensible remarks about the conduct of jockeys
iu races. Among those present were Danny Maher,
J. II. (Skeets) Martin, W. Halsey, B. DUkm, A.
Templeman, F. Templeman, R. Jones, O. Madden,
H. Watts. H. Jones, Trigg, Saxby, Higgs, Griggs.
Randall. Lynham, Wootton. Pike, Escott, Heekfwd,
Pluit. Howard, and Heppell. They were told that
they must keep straight, that If they crossed another
liorse Hiey wimld lose their license. Colonel Baird
referreti to the vexed question of jockeys trying ti*
come up on the rail, which has become such an
imiHirlant matter in English race courses of late.
He said “jockeys on the rail who have their hwses
beaten sometimes pull out and let another horse
through. You must not do that. If your horse bi
!»eaten you must let him drop oat where he iB,
and not pull out. Frequently jockeys shoat oat t.Q
one another in a rat*e, calling on them to pall out.
.To<*keys should take no notice of this. They must
keep their own line and not puU oat to let other
jockeys up.”^
Secretary Nathanson of the Crescent City Jockey
Club returned to Chicago from New York yesterday.
Ills visit to the east was in the Interest of the
winter meeting at tbe old track in New Orleans. He
says there will be more horses than he can possibly
find stable room for. Altogether he seems highly
pleased at the prospect for a successful winter. In-
cidentally, he expressed the opinion that jockey
Radtke will not lose his license at the hands of the
Jockey Club stewards, to whom his case was re-
ferred by the ofiieials at Jamaica. H<u‘semen gen-
erally, he says, do not belive that the boy gave
Tommy Waddell a criminal ride. Mr. Nathansoa
will leave for New Orleans iu about tea days.
Publishers of
Official organ of
A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by
Editor and Proprietor, F. H. Brunell.
Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley.
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Entered In the Post Office at Chicago a« second
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Entered according to act of Congress, in the year
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of Richmond, heavily for the Goo<lwf>od Stakes,
and that Kitchener, who then welgheti loss than
three stone, was to ride him. 'J'hinking that it
would give the little lK>y confldonee if before the
GoiHiwowl Stakes he had a mount in aimther big
field. Lord (Jeorge desire<l John Kent to send for
Yorkalilro Lady, and to start her with Kitchener on
her l»ack. Yorkshire Lady was a four-year-old,
handicapped at six stone four pounds in the Stew-
ards’ Cup, but having l>oen amiss she was totally
lK>y was immediately dospatcho<l on ,Tobn
Kent’s back to the stables at Goodwooti. and he
gallofKMl back to the course on Yorkshire I..ady as
hanl as she could lay lier logs to the gromal. With
her ordinary shoes <mi licr feet and blowing like
a grampus, as she had l>eeu fed and watered, she
was just in time to get to the starting p(«t with
Kitchener up l>efore the flag fell. There were
several false starts, during which Yorkshire Lady
regaine<l her wind, and to the liorror of I^ord
Gc*orge the end of the race resolved its<*lf into a
struggle between Yorkshire Lady and Boloiin, the
former winning iiy half a length.”
“.\s to the outlook for next year, well, the less
said the better. TiiO election is still lK*fore us.
The proverbial IH*vil and the Deep Sea dance allur-
ing on either haiMl, and no man may say what the
morrow will bring forth,” says Sports of the Times
in the course of its comment on racing at the
New York tracks.
“All liathos, of course, but between the rival can-
didates for Governor, there is a great gulf fixed,
ami wlio can say whether the c*oufli»es of the saUl
gulf do not extend so far l>eyond tl»e horizon line,
that, like the oft-qiioied ‘extremes,’ they may
‘meet’ on racing opinions. There lies tlie rub, and
JMily Time, the great solver of intricate i>robleras,
will tell.
“Of course there will alw’ays l>e rac!i»g. It is in-
liereiit In tlie American as in the English race. Tliey
may hamiter it, they may clog It, but not while the
healthy bloo«l flushes the veins will it i>e stamped
out, or seriously injured. Tlie one thing racing
nskeil is that it be let alone, that reformers attend
to their own troubles. To what extent this wdll
Ik* the case will probably be the last thouglit of
most sensible, ot»servant racing men as, at the close
of the somewhat dreary racing season of 1006, they
seek the old ‘earth’ for tlieir customary hibernation,
and carefully and effectually draw the hole in
after them.”^
New York, October 29. — C’okMiial Girl has -not
l»eeu sold to F. C. Bishop and slie will not be bred
to the Freiicli horse Adam next spring. Along witli
Mallei Richardson, Colonial Girl has been shipped
to Kentucky to be tunieii out at Tom Stevens’
Walnut Hills farm. She will be mated with Cesar-
ion next spring. Rowe says her racing days are
at an end ami that he has decidetl not to sell her
to any one. Rowe has disposed of such other horses
he liad that w’ere in racing condition and he Is
temporarily out of the game. A few days ago be
made an effort to buy l>ack from Grant Hugh
Browne tlie goml colt Sewell. He said this was
chiefly due to the fact that his wdfe Is a great
admirer of the youngster ami was dissatisfied when
lie parteil witli him to the owner of the Brown-
lelgh Park Stable. The contract wdilch he holds
on the services of jockey Sew’ell has another year
to run, but the papers are on the market.
New York, Oi-toher 29. — The stable of George C.
BcmietT is on its way to Memphis. It Imd been the
Intention of Mr. Bennett to race at Aqueduct, but
after the defeat of Dishabille in the Southold Handi-
«*ap. the Tennessee turfman concluded to go into
winter quarters at the farm near Memphis. Disha-
bille will not Ik* nn*eil during the winter. Neither
will Kthoii. It is tlie intention of Mr. Bennett to
reserve the latter for the campaign among the
three-year olds in this neck of tlie woods next j-ear.
Tliere are a numlier of yearlings at the Bennett
farm. As soon as he gets homo with tlie older
horses, trainer Mulholland will turn his attention to
lJi<*se youngsters. Some of them will lie prepared
for the early two-year-old racing at New Orleans,
iiie most promising ones, however, will be reserved
for the racing hereabouts next season.
New York. Ootolier 2I>. — Fred A. Forsythe, who
went to Memphis a fortnight ago to superintend
tlie breaking of bis yearlings at MoiTlgmnery Park, returned. He will raee Toiirenne, .Montgomery
and the other horses in his stable at Aqueduct and
Washington and will then go into winter quarters
at Memphis. Montgomery llki** to go a route and
Mr. Forsythe expects him to give a good account
of himself at Aqueiiiiet and Bennliigs. It is not
I'crtain that Tmireiine will go into winter quarters
with tlie Forsythe string. It is understood that
some tempting offers have lK*ei> made for the half
brotlier to Mamie WorlJi, and it may lie that he
will Ik.* sold during tUe coming month.
The horses seeming to have the best chances in
Tuesday’s races arc:
Jamaica York, Oc-tolier 2J».
1 — Sally Preston, lluiico<‘k, WiMdstartlc.
2 — Joliiistown, Ilallowinas, IVbihle.
3 — -Vster d’Or, Sadler, Chamlos.
4 — .Tacobite, Wes, Rye.
5* — Macy Jr., Nemesis, Bragg.
6 — Uoba Stone, Jennie Wells, Hluslmi.
H. Forslaud.
Latonia--Cinc‘lnnatl, October 25).
l^Tolioggau, NniPs Veiling, Revolt.
2— Mathew Gault, D^Ormont, Behleii.
3 — II. L. Frank, St. Joseph. Meadowbreeee.
4— Daring, Amiie Berry, Happy Jack II.
5 — Electorlue, Idalia, Elancer.
0 — Elliott, Beriiie Cramer, Knowledge.
J. L. Dempsey.
For differences in weight add or deduct
5 points to the pound. An extra good
rider’s average worth is 3 pounds.
Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast.
U.ieing starts at 2:00 p. ni.
X Runs well In mud. 0Superior mud. runner.
First Race — 3-4 Mile,
All Ages. Selling.
Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdep.
OTilMlJi. . .Alyth o 89.. X.. 725
05b»S King Leopold 2. . 94. . X . 720
040S<> - . Adare 4. .119. . X . .715
052 IS Nun’s Veiling 3. .114. . X . .710
a’1247 Golden Pheasant 2. . 01 . . X . .710
6522S Revolt 6. . 110. . X . .705
a5247 Spider Web 2.. 01 700
(652251)... Emma V 2.. 01 «V)
652*2.8 Toboggan 6. . 122. . X . .600
04.5.56 .. .. RIy theiiess 5 . . 1 19 . . X . . 685
645S2 Helmiith 2.. 91.. X.. 675
6‘26tK> Red Ruby .3. . 114. . X . .660
65246. . . .(’ortez •. ;L.114
05204 .. .. Camille 2 . . 01 . . X . . 6.50
6.520S Plelielan 3. .114. . X . .6.50
6520S Oliver 3. . 117. . X . .625
.Daring ^
3.. 101.
• X.
. Minnehaha
3.. 98.
• Suzanne Rocomora .
4. .102.
• X.
.Sincerity Belle
4. 107.
.St. Noel
. RelKimider
4.. 114;
. X .
8.. 110.
• X.
.Light Opera
6.. 107.
• X.
. Noel
3. . 98.
.Clioice Operas
4.. 107.
.Annie Berry
3. . 93.
.Happy Jack 11. ...
. Ruby Right
3.. 98.
3.. 102.
Fifth RAce—5 1-2
2-year-olds. Allowances.
. Lexoline
• X.
.Grace Kimball
. .M iuot
651 5) 1 = . . . Crafty 101 705
65147 .Minot 112.. X.. 700
6.52.32 Bottles 100.. X.. 700
64986= ... Reside 108.. X.. 695
<►4955 .... Dry Dollar 97 600
65171’. . .Electorlne 100 .690
615.38 Idalia 101 . . X . . 675
<>.5232. . . .Elancer 97 675
6.5247. .. .lYances Shan ley 92 670
<k 5229 Hattie Rodman 92 665
<l52<Ki. . . .Monere 95 600
. ..Driiicn 100..
Steerforth, cli. c. by Prince
of Monaco — Dicey 'J’5. .
Grlften, ch. c, by Griffon —
Bessie, by Ill-Used 95. .
Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles.
3-year-olds and upwrard. Selling.
...Elliott 6.. 111..
. . .Athena 5. . 102. .
. . Jetsam 4. Ill . .
. ..Liddon 4.. 105..
<>5244;. .
. Pentagon
. 99.
<•>4847. .
..Mint Sauce
<m20J)= .
. .Lutle Mac
. 9<i.
X .
65193. .
. Jeluine
• <tso
. .Bernie Cramer
• • • • • 4 ■
.<>7 )
(;.5246. .
. 99.
65192. .
. .Oiiral
65221 . .
Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast.
Racing starts at 2:(K) (Chicago time 1:<M) p.m.)
XRuiis well In mud. 0Superior mud runner.
First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs.
2-year-oJds. Selling.
Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdep.
<T»15i0. . . . Woolstartle 5)3 725
<S'.21o Grace Geol^e ...
.. 94.. X.. 715
6.52:W’ . . .Sally Preston 95. . X .
65177 Black Mate 102. . X .
652*2.8 Toboggan 6. . 122. . X . .090
64.8.56 .. .. RIy theiiess 5 . . 1 19 . . X . . 685
645.82 Helmiith 2.. 91..X..67T>
6*2600 Red Ruby .3. . 114. . X . .660
C524<;. . . .(’ortez -. .3.. 114
05204 .. .. Camille 2 . . 01 . . X . . 6.50
6520S Plelielan 3. .114. . X . .6.50
6520S Oliver 3. . 117. . X . .625
Second Race — 1 Mile.
3-year-olds and ujiward. Selling.
6.50<M .... Belden ,3 . . 101 . . 0 . . 725
a5294 Arabo 6. .110. . 0 . .71.5
65217 The Mate 3. .101 . . X i .710
64921’. . .Doctor Young 3.. 93 705
65204 D’Ormont .3.. 98.. X.. 705
65231 Handy Bill 4. . 110. . 0 . .700
6.52:?3 The Laurel 9. .107. . X . .700
6.5221 Jim Beattie 4. .105. . 0 . .695
6471.3 Fenian 5. . 107. . X . .095
57214 Quincy 6. .107. . X . .680
64856 Steve Lane ,3. . 98. . X . .675
64704 W. W. Pierce 3.. 98 675
64314 Water Lake 3.. 101 670
63677’ .. .Mathew Gault 4.. 107 665
57,*}06 Kllinorie 6. .107. . X . .660
64324 Maggie Mackey 4. .107. . X . .650
Third Race— 3-4 Mile. ■
3-year-olds and upw'ard. Allow'ances.
65218 Ethel Day 4.. 99 750
65179’. ..Meadowbreeze 3. .107. . X . .740
(i524S=. . .St. Joseph 3.. 94.. 0.. 7.35
6*204,3 U. L. Frank 5.. 99. .X.. 730
6.5219 Wee r..as8 3.. 99.. 0.. 730
65248 Stoner Hill 3.. 97.. X.. 725
(616*26). ..iKWd Dixon 4.. 99.. X.. 710
65220 Wabasli 3.. 94 650
Fourth Race— 1 Mile.
3-year-olds and upward. Selling.
tK»21.5’. . .Hanc(K*k 95
65142 Mitre 92.. X.
6.5238 Taunt 90. . X .
652:iS Ilyperliole 95. . X .
0.52.‘{8 Autumn Flowpr 95
<r»210 Jim Iveonanl 08. . X .
6.5215. ... Red Garter 100
65173 Pass Him Out 9.3
65215 St. SiRierb 90
Second Race — 1 1-16 Miles.
3-year-olds and upward. Selling.
<r.202. .
. .A. Muskoday
<55080. .
. . Hallowmas
. X .
(652;;6) .
■ .Johnstown
. . Delniore
. 98.
• X.
65214. .
- - T.jstie-SK
. 90.
7 lO
. . Delphic
• X.
65019. .
. .Cannon Ball
. X .
. . Merlingo
. 98.
64-249. .
. . Pirate Polly
• X.
Third Race — 3-4 Mile.
3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling.
651.54. . . .Aster ’dOr .3. . 98 725
65211 Chandos 3.. 98.. x.. 720
05077. . . .Mdrie Antoinette 3.. 96 715
6495.3 Hampton I.4idy 3.. 90 715
62176 Carmagnole 3.. 98.. X.. 715
05211.. .. Sadler 3. .113. . X . .710
(“2:105. .. .Good Julia 3.. 95 710
64449 John H 3.. 95 710
57892.. .. Guy Maunering 3.. 95 705
64745. . . .New' England 3.. 05 705
64J)9S Comedian 3.. 90 705
64845 Brigantine 3.. 95 700
05211 Miss Gliff ^3.. 90 VHi
64234 How About You 3.. 98 700
Spartan, b. g. by Previous
— Ilannariiula ,3. . 95
Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles.
Say vine Stakes. $1,000 added.
3-year-olds. Selling.
651H82 . . .Jacobite 10:i . . X . . 77»0
6,52:17’. . .Wes l<ll..X..7t)
(<>52:f7) . . .Rye 113. . X . .7:15
05202 .. .. Nemesis 100 7.‘15
05*201’ . . . Athlete 101 . . X . . 7:’.o
65198’. ..McKittredge 98 7.hl
65178* .. .Bivouac 106.. X.. 725
Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles.
3-year-olds and upward. Selling.
(6518<;). ..Macy Jr 3.. 93.. X.. 7*25
165214) .. .Bragg 7. . 102. . 0 . .72')
65202. . . .Nemesis 3.. 90 715
65198’... McKittredge 3.. 95 715
65212’. ..Palette 5.. JM..X..7H)
65198 Dazzle 4. .100. . X . .700
Sixth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs.
2-year-olds. Fillies. Alaidens. Special Weights.
05245’ . . . Reba Stone lOS 725
05215’. ..Jennie Wells 108. . X . .720
<*•.5067 Nadine 108 715
65189’. ..Illusion 108 715
65215 Citrona 108. . X . .7Ki
65180’ ... IX'OUomy 108..X..7M
05215 Fire Opal 108 7Ki
6.5215 Waterspeed *. . . . 108 705
-6394.3 Sphinx 108 705
6488.3 Cora Price 108 7fH)
6.3770 Nettie CYrita 108 D)o
6.3845 Mary Hall 108 700
65164 Willdo 108 700
61992 .. .. V iva Voce 108 <>90
Swift Girl, br. f, by My Boy
II. — Annie D., by Jils John-
son 108
cmrA<;o. illixols, oerroBEU 30, ioo 6 .
At Janiaira A. Muskoday, second race.
At iiatoiiia -lycxollne, fifth race.
Best of the day A. Miiskoilay.
<iraer George is s|K‘cdy and may score at go<al
iHids in the first Janiak'a.
Ill an early edition of Daily’s Magazine the Hon.
Kram-is laiwley tells a story which most strik-
liigUv illnstrates the uiieertainty of racing and the
ditiienlty of making anytlilng like accurate ford'asts.
It would Ik* hard to find a more remarkable instanc*e
of the way in whi<*h, with tlie lH*st of all eoncelvaiile
means of judging, an owiwr and ids assoidates have
judge^l wrongly. Here is tlie story;
“The St<*wards’ Cup, at GoimIwchmI. founded in
18|0. was a ra«v at wliieli lK»rd G«*orge Reiillnek
always aitiUMl. It was his ambit ion to win It in
184.3 with African, wlilcli he l»a«ked ft>r a very large
sum, and wliii-li started first favorite, at .*> to 1. On
the day l>efore the ra«*e Lord George’s confederate,
the late Duke of Richmond, resolved tiiat he would
start his four-year-old mare Belena for the Stew-
ards’ Cup, although she had been tried as being
slightly inferior to African at the weights. Tliey
were, liowever, so near together that Keleim was
thouglit to Ik* dangerous, and liord George was
obliged to buck her, partly to cover his outlay tm
African and also to make her a good wliuier. and
here let me add tliat I cannot In the least uiider-
staml what the Duke meant or anticipated.
“However, at the last moment it unfortunately
occurred to Lord George Uiat he had backed llie
Whalgr, a three-year-old belonging to the Duke
“In one iwirtinilar the fall meeting tlins far
differs from tliat long sniiitiier session at Laloiiia,”
says tlie Cinehiiiati Enquirer. ‘‘'Pliere is less talk
al>oiit tills one not trying. Uiat one ‘In tlie can,’ he’s
de.Hd as a ikwir nail, iumI all of that sort of guff.
Tlvere was ei*rtHlnly enough of that afloat in tlie
gooil obi siininier time, and not wilhont foundation,
as was siiliseipien'tly discovered at an investigation
Iieid by the Amerieau 3'iirf Assfadation.”
New York, Octol)er 29. — All prospects, if tliere
t ver was really any such, of a race between Amer-
ica’s fastest sprinters. Roselien ami loidy Amelia,
lias lieen obliterateil by the announceiuent tliat E. R.
I' has taken tlie IU*n Brush — La Colonia mare.
I^dy Amelia, off tJie turf for good. She will bt*
.sent to Mr. Thomas’ stock farm in New' Jersey.
[CoiniiiniiieHthMis witlimit names and addresses
of senders will not l>e answered or noticed.]
Dolan, St. I.ouiK. Mo. Matter investigated tlior-
oiiglily and iH>t a single lMK>k had up a show prii-e
at |M»st time.
H. H.. St. f»nis. Mo. The straight Iiet lost and
tlie place t*et was a draw', there l>eing no coupled
price against the entry.
J. F. S.. Berlin, Ont. Salvage had been sold
aod Prince Brutus was the Daly entry. If the
straight lK*t was on “the Palj* entry” it lost. The
jiliuv price won at llie idace prli*e lakl against
PrliKv Knit ns.
.\. 3'., Clin'innali. o. Vonr parlay was v»>id os to
Rnbliion, attaching to him only in the rac*e of
which you had knowledge of his being entered and
from which he was scratched. In the other case
citeil tlie place tiet on the entry was void be-
cause uo coupled price was laid.
BENNINGS, D. C., October 29, 1906. — Third day. United Hunts Racing Association. Autumn Meeting.
(3 da>s). Weather clear; track fast.
Pr'*sidiiig Judge, W. P. Riggs. Starter. J. H. Bradford, Jr. Secretary, Thomas II. Smith.
Racing start|i at 2:00 p. m. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track
record, age of. horse and w'cight carried.
PT O ^ FIRST RACE — About S-4 Mile. Maryland Selling Plate. $200 added. 3-year-ohls and
i vJk upward. Nef value to winner $155.
Ind Horses AWtPP St % ^ % Str Flo Jockeys Owners HOPS
<>5257 ORIFUAMMB 3 142-1 4 3 3’ 3’ U Mr Mabee J Duffy 1 2 2 7-10oi
(»>252 SATIRIST 10 149 2 2 4 4 4 2i Mr D KerrC I.aughlin 6 10 10 2 7-
6c252-*THE BUCK 5 175 5 4 2’ 2J 2^ 3 Mr Hoff C H Hoff Jr 3 5 5 7-5 1-!
<54952 PHIT.ADOR 3 142 1 1 li Ih 3» 4 Mr N’holasW C Orem 30 30 5 2 3-i
65252 FOXY 4 151 5 Left at the post. Mr O’BrienJ L Dugan 6 7 8-5 3-5 oi
No time taken.
Winner — B. f. by Peep o’Day — Onondaga’s Pride (trained l>y J. Johnston).
Went to i>ost at 2:04. At post 4 miei’tes. Start good for all but Foxy. Won handily; seco:id an<
tliird driving. Oriflamme was outrun In the early stages, but came fast in the stretch and won goini
away. Satirist also finished fast and outstayed The Buck for second place. The latter ran w'ell. hut tire
under pressure. PhlL lor showed superior early speed, hut failed to stay. Fo.vy refused to break.
Scratelicd — 61426 Tangier, 141.
O verwei g lits — Or iflai nipe, H lM>uuds.
^ Pk O 7 1 second RACE — About 2^ile8. Green Spring Steepl^hase Handicap^ $3t)0 aided.”
4 JL 3-.veHr-olds. Net value to winner $230.
Ind Horses
(<Ki2‘_K;)lC\LM 1.55 1 2’ l’ l’ l’ l’ 1‘® G Wilson Hampton Stable 1-2 4-5 4-5 2-.5 out
.\<^OLY3'Ei 145 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 2’* Mr Sl'ghterD Kerr <> ,S 8 2 out
<;:.2‘2<;’PRKl’I.»<E • 142 2 2 U 2» 3 3 3 K Jones G Brown Jr 5 5 2 1-2 nut
<h) 2‘J<;’.SPKNDBR 142 44444 4 4 4 Soffel E 4 5 5 7-5 out
No time taken.
Winner— B. g, I»y IlHiidsome — Palniett-> (trained liy S. Veiteli).
Went to i>ost at 2::i2. At iK>st .5 minutes. Start goml. Won easily: second the same. P.ilm was
easily best, fenced w’eP, showed speed and had little o{>position after Precise fell. Aeob'te fenced well,
hut was easUy outrun by the winner. Precise, after falling, was remounted and finished in Uing to save
thir d money. Sp ende r also foil, but was remounted and went the course.
^ ^ O O third R.YCE— About 2 Miles. The Cavalry Cup Steeplechase. $250 added. 4-vear-
I olds a nd upward. Net value tt> w inner $200.
Ind Horsea AWtPPSt 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS •
652.56 .ALLEGIANCE 8 Uk) 1 2 2 2 1= P 1'* l-« Lieut M'tlriMrs V TupiK*’r 7-ln9-l07-10out—
(T.25«’WE.STOWN 13 ItK) 2 1 1*“ 2 2 2 2 Mr N’holasO E Hayes • 1 H-loi out—
No time taken.
Winner— Ch. g, by Uncle Jess— Fidelity (trained hv C. V. Tupijer),
Went to post at 2:59. At post 2 mlnuieg. Start good. Won easily. Allegiance was much the best,
but iiad to be whipped Into tlie lead In the first mile. It being easy for him afterwards. Wesiowii showed
u surorisiiigly early hurst of speed, but failed to maintain It.
Scratched— (65250) Adajus, 160} 6o22T’Mjr Grace, 160; 65223 Punctual, 100; (<i0253)The Vlrginlau, 153,
AWtPPSt 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys
1.55 1 2’ P 1’ P 1’ 1‘® G Wilson
145 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 2’® Mr Sl’ghtc
142 2 2 P 2» 3 3 3 E Jones
142 444 4 4 4 4 4 Soffel
rr O FOURTH RACE— About 8 1-2 Miles. The Hunt Cup Handicap Steeplechase. $1,000
f30 ^ 4 O added. .4-year-olds and upward. Hunters, Net value to winner $1,060 and $100
652.-.7»GAME COCK
AWtPPSt 6 12 18 24 StrFln Jockeys Owners OH CPS
8 163 7 6 21® 210 li® 1* li® Mr D’eauxI Fox 7 8 6 8-5 4-5
5 167 4 4 3» 3» 3| 3» 3® 2i® Ray J R Townsend 3 3 6-5 3-6 out
6 146 5 6 41 4* 41® 2* 2i 3i® G Wilson F H Von Stade 15 30 30 8 4
(65102)OLEROSO 4 166 1 2 6i 6* 5J 5 4* 4i® Mr Smith Hampton Stable 1 2 2 4-5 out
652552LANDSLIDE 8 151 6 7 6 6 6 4| 5 6 Mr SpencerG C Morrison 7 8 8 2 4-o
53259 D. OF GRASSLAXDS8 145 3 3 1^ lb 2i® Bolted. Bates S P Knut 12 40 40 10 4
65227*MY GRACE 5 147 2 1 Pell. G’ntland Oakley Stable 15 30 30 8 4
No time taken.
Winner — B. g, by Prince Jame<; — Democracy (trained by B. Carroll).
Went to p<wt at 3:32. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third the same.
Nntellus ran close up for half the route, then moved into the lead and, drawing away, easily held sway
to the end. Game Cock ran unkindly and was disposed to sulk, but fiually « anie on fast Into siecr.nd place.
Otho Vaugh put up a surprisingly good p?i-fonnance for him. Oloroso was overweighted and tired badly.
Duke of Grasslands bolted when in ftM*ward and promising contention.
Scratched — 652 ,j 7 Illicit, 150; 05256 Mount Henry, l.‘>8.
Overweights — Landslide, 1 pound.
^ 4^ rr y§ FIFTH RACE — About 8 Miles. Cameron Run Amateur Steeplechase Cup, $30() added.
O O ^ 4 A 4-year-olds and ipward. Allowances. Gentlemen Riders. Net value' to winner
$250 and $250 Cup.
ind Horses AWtPPSt 6 10 15 20 StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P
Ind Horses
f6622,3)FOLLOW ON 6 162 1 1 lb lb ih lb 2 l»3l Mr D KerrD Kerr 4-5 9-104-5 out—
6.')254»PURE PEPPER 7 162 2 2 2 2 2 2 li 2 Mr Clark H S Page 9-101 4-5 out—
No time taken.
Winner — B. m, by Sir Slngeinton — Edna May (trained by P. Price).
Wont to post at 3’57. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily. The horses ran as a team for
two miles, when Pure Pepper took a slight lead, but was outgamed in the stretch drive by Follow Dn.
Pure Pepper outjumped Follow On, but was outspeeded on the flat.
Scratched — (652;35)Gyp8ic, 162; (05254* Woolgatherer, 162; 6T>224^Maple Leaf, 162.
SIXTH RACE — About 8 Miles. Calverton Steeplechase Handicap. $.500 added. 4
olds and upward. Net value to winner M.'h"*.
AWtP PS rT~ro 15 20~~Str Fnn Jocke i^ Own e rs O H C P S_
K 4T48 2 2 2* 22 1* iz^iso i»o Terry \V Garth 2 ll-511-.5out—
7 140 333 3 2 2 2 2 A .iuckson E J Wallaoh
4 145 1 1 1* 1* Broke down. Dupee i^illaloo StaVde
No time taken.
Winner — B. g, by Clifford — Thrilling (traiueil by W. Garth).
Went to post at 4:24. At post 2 minutes. Start goo<l. Won e.nsily. Northville soon had all th.'?
oppositiem removed by accident. Setauket fell when a mile from home, but was remounted and was gain-
ing when he fell again at the last jump, was again remounted aiul fluished. Adams cut a tendon after
running a mile and a half and was pulled up.
Scratched — 65274 Woolgatherer, 156; (65274) Fol low On. 14.5.
^ pr ^ ^ ^ SEVENTH RACE — About 2 Miles. Warrenton Hunt Flat Race. $200 added. 3-year-
^ 4 v3 upward. Allowances. Net value to winner $1.5.5.
12 StrPin Jockeys
65256 MOUNT HENRY 4 151 0 4 6 6 6 5‘ 4' 2= Mr D’eauxH S Page 10 2i) 20 7 3
65222»ANTICIPATION 6 1.58 4 6 5 5 4^ .3* 3® sa® Mr .St’nsonCiillaloo Stable 6 10 8 2i 4-5
65225 MAXIMILIAN 4 154 2 2 2J 2J 1' li 2® 4^ Mr Clark F A Clark 2i 2i 3-5 out
65*^27 CAPTAIN H.\YES 7 151 1 5 4=* 4^ 3* 4® .5^® 6 Mr H’risonR H Wright 10 15 1.5 4 8-5
65257 DRESSMAKER 5 158 6 3 IJ li 5* 6 6 6 Mr D Kerris V Froment 15 2«> 20 7 3
No time taken.
Winner — B. g, bv Longstreet — Pnnka (trained by S. Veitch).
Went to post at 4:54. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. Pete
Dailey ran in close attendance on the pacemakers for a mile and a half, then challenged and, after ,a sharp
drive, drew out to win cantering. Mount Henry came from far back in the last half and tinishe*! fast.
Anticipation fenced well and finished gamely. Maximilian quit after going a good mile and a half.
Scratched — 65273 My Grace, 151.
4 158 3 1 31 3* 2* 2®
4 151 5 4 6 6 6 5^
6 1.58 4 6 5 5 4^ 3*
32 2* 2® 1= 1® Mr Smith O H Smith
6 6 51 41 2= Mr D’eauxH S Page
5 4^ .3* 3® 33® Mr .St’nsonCiillaloo Stable
2J 1' li 2® 42 Mr Clark F A Clark
42 32 45 510 5 Mr H’risonR H Wright
li 5* 6 6 6 Mr D Kerris V Froment
7-107-103-5 out-
10 2i) 20 7 3
6 10 8 2i 4-5
0 O O ^ Net value to v
1 nd H orses A WtP E
6510SSALTA M' DONALD W 104 7
65191 OUARDI
65155 SAN ARDO
(64681) ABINGTON
FIRST RACE— 8-4 Mile. (1:123 — 3—100.) Purse $4fM). 2-yea r-ci
Net value to winner $300.
A'^^t ^St 14 ^ % Str Fin Jockeys Ow ner s ~
CALD w 104 7 1 4i 4i 2= Ink t Taylor .1 R Taylor
S BIRD WB 106 1 5 3b 2| A’buchon J McDonald
WB 99 2 8 72 7® 4h 31 Lloyd J H Baker
w 101 5 6 6b 6nk 3J 41 C H Shill’ g.T B*ess
WB 104 9 4 6b r*2 6“ 5® W Fischer T J McHale
rARD W 107 11 9 lO® 9h 81 6b p Keyes S J Charles
w 104 14 2 2^i ^ 7^ 7* Wishard F M Arthur
w 102 6 7 91 10b 8« J Hicks T Moore
w 101 12 3 1’ IJ 9^^ 9i C Morris W' C Scott
w 1103* ;{ 11 13* 11® 10® 10* W Allen G Jones
W 10l“l0 13
W 107 4 10
WB 99 i:i 14
WB 101 8 12
121 121 111 III T> Austin Mrs J C Milam 15 25 25 8
64tK)3 JESSAMY W 107 4 10 8b 8i 12* 12' W Ott Mrs G Borkel 40 60 60 25 12
63146 BERRYMAN WB 99 i:i 14 14 14 13i 13* J Smith W' V Conran 60 100 100 40 30
B5‘’29*VENBT0 WB 101 8 12 11b 132 14 14 Moreland W P Reardon 15 25 25 8 4
Time. 24*. 49?, 1:15?.
Winner — B. c, by Sanders — Golden Hopes (trained by J. R. Taylor).
"Went to post at 2:01. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won driving: second and third the same.
Alta McDonald, away well and showing improved form, was a forward contender all the. way and. «ta?ui-
ing a hard drive gamely through the last furlong, wore flown The Golden Bird and won drawing out.
The Golden Bird ran a good race, but tired at the end. Ouardi, away poorly, closed a big gap steadily
and was going fastest at the end. Caper was taken wide throughout and ran fairly well only. San Ardo
showed good form under improved handling. Charley Ward, away badly, ran a winning* race and is in
good form at present Cahore showed the most early speed and will improve.
Scratched— 652:12 John Kaufman, 110; 65229 Dulzura, 101.
Overweights — The Golden Bird, 2 pounds; Intaglis, 1; Abington, 34.
Tnd Horses
SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. (1:12^—3—100.) Purse $400. 3-.year-olds and upward.
Selling. Net value to winner $300.
AWFl^St M hk % Str Fin Jockeys Owners CHOPS
(65228) M’ CHORD w 4 105 1 2 2^4 2^ IJ D Austin E Alvey 16-59-5 4-5 2-5
(65218) SALVAGE w 4 111 9 1 1^ 1® 1* 2»? A’buchon W F Walter 24 13-59-5 7-101-3
6.5228»KING PEPPER wb 8 1074 7 5 4® 31 3^ 3^ Mountain J H Slack 4 .54 2 4-5
65196 POSING w 3 104 2 3 5* 4b 41 41 Wishard .T B Re.spess 12 20 20 6 3
(65208) LIEUT’ N ANT RICEWb 4 101 4 10 9^ 10 7^ 54 R»Harris J Arthur 20 .‘W> :¥) 8 4
64911®BON MOT W 7 104 10 7 Snb 9® 8^ 61 C H Shill’gL L l^mar :50 40 40 15 8
65248 NON IE LUCILLE WB 3 104 6 8 61 6= r»i 7® T Taylor C C MeCafferty 10 12 12 6 24
6.5168 GOVERNOR ORMANwb 3 108 3 4 3b 6* 61 84 W Fischer J B Dunn 10 30 :i0 8 4
(6r.l95) FRENCH NUN W 3 101 8 9 10 9® 9® TJoyd J H Baker 8 12 12 4 9-5
6.5121 ®ALSONO W 6 113 5 6 7b 7b 10 10 W Allen E J Gildersleeve S 15 15 6 3
Time, 2.3?, 47?. 1:13?.
Winner — (!!h. c, by Gotham — Addle Me (trained by S. M. Henderson).
Went to post at 2:28. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same.
McChord, away fully in action, was outrun from the start, but wore Salvage down steadily in the drive
through the stretch and, finishing fast and gamely, got up in the final strides and going away.
Salvage showed superior early speed, but was excessively used and, better handled, could not have lost.
King Pepper was a sharp cwitender most of the way and ran a goo<! race. Posing also nan fairly well
and was taken wide most of the way. Lieutenant Rice closed a big gap from a poor be^iwiiug and will
improve. Nonie Lucille and Governor Orman tired badly in the last quarter. P’rench Nan ran far lK'i*)w
her best form and is a rank in-and-outer.
Scratched— 62131 Goldway, 100; 65217* Intense, laS; 65128*FIeld Lark, 98; 65182 Matador, 112; 65219*
Marvel P., 108; 651 82® Sorrel Top, 105.
Overweights — King Pepper, 4? pounds.
THIRD RACE — I'Mile. (1::I9? — 4 — U)0.) Purse .$400. 4-year-olds and upward.
Selling. Net value t*> winner $3(H).
Ind Horses
AWtPP St *4
W 4 104
B Respess
WB 4 108
3*i 2b
^^V .Schmidt
WB 5 109
K Miller
W 4 107
D Austin
W 8 104
D Riley
E Patter5?on
W 5 106
,T Preston
H Knebelkangp
W 4 107
G Dustin
■WS 4 104
W 4 107
C H Shill’gOots Bros
Ind Horses
8 StrFln Jockeys
O H C P 8
65158 BARNES
W 4 130
l*i B MorrisonE Corrigan
8-.5 4-5
65158 S. HOFFHEIMERws 4 158
P. Russell
W (lersl
65217 DAWSON
W 7 156
G H Neal
W 6 156
Archib’ id
r A Holt
ws 5 132
J Ford
J .1 Greeley
<63947) ARC LIGHT
WB 4 157
J Arthur
6.5194 ONYX II.
w 6 136
Ran out.
J S Bratton
6,5220=FRANK MC
WS 7 138
J W Pugh
FIFTH RACE — 1 Mile. (1:39? — 4 — 100.) Purse $500. 3-y»ar-olds and upwarcL
Allowances. Net value to winner $400.
I nd Horses A Wt PP St % % % Str Fi n Jocke ys Ow ne r s CHOPS
(65209) BESTERLINQ WB 4 97 4 4 4* 4* 4*4 3h 1*4 Moreland Mrs S Reed 5 10 9 2? 1
6.52:« AUDITOR w 5 97 2 1 1*4 1‘4 1^ 1* 2*4 C Morris ’ R Tucker 2 2 6-5 2-5 out
65-230*JOE COYNE WB 3 91 3 5 2* 2* 2* 2b 34 C H Shill’ gC C MicCafferty 3 6 6 8-5 7-lfl
(65230)M’ILVAIN wb 4 105 1 2 3* 3* 3*4 4* 4* D Austin J C Ffrriss Jr 2 11-57-5 1-2 out
65098 CHARLATAN ws 3 101 5 3 5 6 5 5 5 W Fischer W Guin 10 5» 20 5 3-2
Time, 24?, 48?, 1:13?, 1:39?.
Winner— B. g, by Tx>rd Esterllng — Lucrece (trained by T. R. Reed). ' .
Went to post at ?:41. At post 1 minute. Start good. Wem handily; second driving; third the same.
Besterllng trailed the others far back in the early running, but closed up steadily after going Ihree-
do&rters aiMi, standing a bard drive through the stretch gamely, won drawing away. Auditor showed hue
speed and set the pace stead Uy for the first seven furlongs, bat tired slightly In the final drive and readily
gave way to the winner. Joe CJoyne is showing steady Improvement, forced the pace in the early stages
and tired near the end, but held on gamely. Mcllvain was hard ridden throughont and only ran fairly
welL CTharlatan was outpaced from the start and can do much better.
Scratched— 65170 Wexford, 107; 64781 Jetsam, 100; 65251 High Bear, 91; 65246 Pentagon, 91; (66251)
Oratorlan, 88 : 65230 Debar, 96.
12 10 2 out
I 7-102-5 out-
24 24 3-5 out
COVINGTON, KY., October 29, 1906. — Seventh day. Latonla Jockey Club. Fall Meeting (24 days).
Weather cloudy; track fast. (15 books on.)
Presiding Judge, Charles F. Price. Starter. J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon.
Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following
the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse an<l weight carried.
CT O ^ /I FIRST RACE— 8-4 Mile. (1:123 — 3—100.) Purse $4(M). 2-year-olds. Selling.
Time, 25, 49?, 1:15?, 1:41?.
Winner — Ch. f, by Pirate of Penzance — Deception (trained by F. Kelly).
Went to post at 2:52. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily: second driving; third the same.
Darthula ran as if she outclassed the others, showed the most speed and, after being restrained for the
first three-quarters, took a long lead, but tired slightly in the final sixteenth. Gladiator ran a gOf>d ra'*e
for him and finished going gamely and fast. Red Thistle tired after going three-quarters and had no mis-
liaps. The Thrall had no mishaps and rar* fairly well. .Toe Lesser can do much b«;tter. Manfred broke
down badly after going three-quarters and pulled up much distressed. Wlllowdeae ran poorly.
Scratched — 65233 Raviana, 104 : 65251 Whippoorwill, 112; 65157 Happy .lack II., 167; 05192 Sara
Craig. 102; 64926 Klein wood, 107; 65221 Knowledge, 109; 65231 Falkland. B*4.
Incorrect weight in entries — Darthula, 99.
Overweights — Gladiator, 4 pounds; Dungannon, 2.
FOURTH RACE— Short Course. Steeplechase. (2:57?— 6 — 148.) Purse $400.
13 O ^ O I 3-y ear-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner $.300.
SIXTH RACE — 1 8-8 Miles. (2:193 — 4 — 107.) Purse $4»)0. 5 year-olds and upward.
Selling. Net value to winner $300.
A WtPPSt St % H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners CHOPS
«x5146)MISS RILLIE W 5 111 2 7 64
6f.209 SANCTION W 4 101 1 2 7»»
65221 MCKTCASIN MAID W 3 94 3 3 1*
6,5233 HELGERSON w 5 ,98 S 1 2»^
6,5246 MAE LYNCH W 3 97 4 6 3b
(651%) PERRON I EKE w 3 96 7 8 54
65192 hXTLL. THE FLAGw 3 94 6 4 4‘
6r*209»POSTMAN W 6 107 5 5 8
w 5 111 2 7 64 4* .3* 3*4 2* lb Wishard
w 4 101 1 2 7b 6* 4b 4* 3*4 24 R Harris
w 3 94 3 3 1* 1*4 lb 2b lb 3“ C Morris
Wishard F Cook
R Harris .1 Arthur
C Morris W C Scott
6® 5* 4b W Ott ,1 C Jr
1*4 4* 5» D Riley .1 Mc('lernand
6® 6b C H Shill’gJ H Young
7* 7* Huestis \V A Kirwan
8 8 D Austin K G Baldwin
3-5 4-5 9-20out—
10 2*1 20 4 8-5
JO 30 :t0 10 :{
60 100 100 .‘50 12
10 :to :» 8 24
2.^ 13-.513-53-5 out
4«» 150 h50 4f^ 15
10 13 13 11-54-5
Time. 26, 51, 1:17. 1:42?, 2:09, 2:22.
Winner— B. m, by Wadsworth— Mary (iraves (trained by W. E. Phillips).
Went to post at 4:08. At post 1 minule. good. Won driving; second and third the same.
Miss Rillie had to be much the l)cst to win, Wishard handling her poorly all the way and barely getting
her home in front, but she ran a much herier race than the chart indicates and can beat better horses at
the same dlstan«*e. Sanction finished with a rush through the stretch after a slow beginning and b.arely
failed to get up. Moccasin Maid was speedy, but, thoroughly beaten on the stretch turn, saved much
ground and then put up a game struggle in the last furlong. Helgers«i ran fairly well and Is rounding
^to good form. Mae Lynch tired unexpectedly when her chances appeared beat. Ferroniere ran a bad
lace and it should not be considered in future calculations. Postman can do ranch better.
Scratched— (ti5233) Elliott, 114.
Overweights — Mae Lynch, 3 pounds.
JAMAICA. L. I., October 29, 1906.— Seventh day. Metroiiolltan Jockey f!liib. Autumn Meeting (11 days).
Weather clear; track fast. (215 bot^ks on.)
Presiding .Tmfge, Clarence McDowell. Starter. Mars C^assldy. Racing Secretary, W. C. Edwards.
Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. W indicates whip, ^ spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following
the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried.
FIRST RACE— 8-4 Mile. (1:12?— 3— 92.) $700 a<lded. 2-year-olds. Selling.
Net value to winner $700.
AWtPPSt 44 % % Str Fin Jockeys
65199* ROYAL BREEZE w 98 7 3 5* 2b 1* 1* Jas Hen’syP J Dwyer 8-5 2 7-5 3-,5 1-4
(65092) BEN STRONG WB 97 10 6 1*4 lb 2® 2® F Swain L A <^lla 3 44 3A 6-5 7-10
65129 MARIPOSA WB 90 5 10 8* 6b 3b 3* Engl’der A Weir 12 20 20 7 3
65199 UMBRELLA w 90 9 11 10b 4b 44 41 q Burns W C Daly 40 50 .50 20 10
65177 FLOW A W*^ AY ^ 101 4 5' 6® 8b 7® 5b Finn E R Bradley 10 15 15 5 2
65177 BIG STORE WB 95 8 4 3* 5b 6? 6b Garner E Wishard 10 15 15 5 2*.
65215 ARLINGTON W 90 3 8 7® 9* 8* 7* Brady F G Calhoun 20 .50 .50 15 s
6.51.50 JUDGE DAVEY WB 102 1 2 - 2J 3* 5J 8® W iMIller C DeWitt 5 6 4 6-5 7-10
(6483.3) WINSOME W\AYS w 95 11 1 44 74 9* 9* Horner W A Porter 6 12 10 4 2
64428 HANDMAIDEN w 94 2 9 94 10* 10= 10* Beckman A 100 100 100 .30 if.
GOLD LEDGE w 90 6 7 11 11 11 11 C Ross C T Clarke 30 .50 50 20 10
Time, 11?, 2:3?, .35?, 48?, 1:01?, 1:14?.
Winner — B. c. by Royal Flush III. — Breeza (traine<l by F. Burlew).
Went to post at 2:<X». At post .3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving; third Ihe Same.
Royal Breeze was .shulfle<l back early, but closed an inmiense gup in the last b.ilf, c-aiight .*ind paKsefl th<*
pacemaker in the stretch as if anchored cud won off cantering. Ben Strong raced into a long lead early
and appeared like spreadeagllng the others, but quit badly in the last furlong. Mariposa, away badlv and
outpaced e.irly. closed up well at the end. Umbrella made up considerable ground from a slow .scnd-oir.
Flowaway, badly crowde<i <mi the far turn, finished gaining. Big Store tired badly after strenuous earlv
pursuit of the leader. Arlingttm was going well at the end. Judge I»avey failed to .stay.
Scratched — 661.50 Blue Dale, 96; Beggar Maid, 96; 04977 Alta Farola, ;>6; 66210 Jim Leonard. 9s.
Overweights — Handmaiden. 4 pounds.
SECOND RACF.— 1 1-16 Miles. (1:45?— 4— 106.)
Selling. Net value to winner $740,
AWTpFst % % % sTr Fin Jockeys
106.) $7^)0 .added. .3-year-olds and iipw.ard.
64997 EM PER. OF INDIA ws 5 103 1 1 5*4 3* 1® 1« W Miller W A StJinton
WB 4 103 5 5 4*4 44 2b 2? 2f Gamer
65240 (X)NSIDERATTON WSB 5 103 10 2 1® 1® 14 3* 3h Horner H K Vingiit
65236 G. U M.
65093 PAi.M TREE
64781* IAX:KETT
65236 SU1*REME
15 [Ui 4 2 1
3 4 13-.5t 3-
10 15 15 6
WB 4 101 2 9 9* Sh 6* 4b 4b Beckman Virginia Stable 10 2(» 2(> 8 4
WSB 3 93 9 6 5* 54 54 5h Brady T D Sullivan 10 15 1.5 6
WSB 4 106 4 3 6® 6* 7® 7® 6* Jas Hen’syE R Bradley 5 10 10 .3 s-.5
WSB 6 103 7 4 3*4 4b 6* 74 Notter J J O’Flahertv 4 6 5 2 1
10 15 15 6 3
1.5 15 14 r. 11-5
10 15 13 44 9-5
20 40 40 15 7
8 10 10 4 8-5
30 40 40 15 8
20 30 30 10 4
25 30 ;t0 15 7
30 60 60 25 12
64781* lA^CKETT WSB 6 103 7 4 34 3*4 4b 6* 74 Notter J J O’Flahertv 4 6 5 2 1
65236 SU1*REME wsB 3 93 8 7 7*4 7- 8® 8* 8= Engl’der K Minton 8 20 20 8 4
6.5234 P’NCE FREDERICK WB 3 93 3 10 8* 9* 9*® 9 9‘ F Swain .1 Kneale 4 .5 18-.57-.5 I-.5
64806 W^.VTER PANSY WS 5 lO:; 6 8 10 10 10 10 lo HeflTnan J Shannon 40 100 Mtd ;u> 1.5
Time. 12?. 24?, 36, 48?. l:i>2. 1:1.5?, 1:42?. 1:10.".
Winner — Br. g. by Prime Minister — Sarah Kimbro (trained by .1.
Went to post at 2:28. At post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving: third the same.
Emperor of India, fresh and good, broke in front and wa.s slighily outpaced for ihc first half. i>iii
closed up rapidly on the last turn and mad? gixKl with a sparkling stretch sprint. Lliulale. shut ofT cm tb.*
first turn and on the backstretch, raced .around on the turn into the when straightened for home,
then quickly relinquished it to the wlnupr, but was an easy second. Consideration /leclsivelv mitbrokc-
aud outpaced his opponents for six furlongs aiul tire«l In the last quarter, but lini.shed iin«\pc* i»h1Iv game
for third place. Aucassin, away very badly and wor.'^e ridden, closed a big gap. G. J... M., badlv messed
about, lost third place by swerving all over the «*ourse. Palm Tree >vas going well in the last* quarter.
Luekett showed plenty of speed, but failed to stay. Prince Frederick was as g«xMl .as left and had no
chance at the start.
Scratched — 852:16 *Penrhyn, 95; 57630 Master of Craft. 110; 06149 Panlqiie, 98 : 0.52l2®Stamping Gmmul.
108; (>4998 St. Estephe, 98; 64973 Novena, KCI; (J6149 John l\ .\h«*arn, lO:;*. (B226 Bright St:ir, !Kt; CAK.3*i
Diamond Flush, 103.
Incorrect weight In entries — Lnckett, 100. ^
THIRD R.4CE— 8-4 Mile. (1: 124-
Net value to winner $7S5.
-92.) $S00 added. 3-year-olds. Handic.-ip.
AWt PP St *4 % % Str Fin Jockey
O e G P S
1 =
Mrs J M Cooper
105 11
64.370 JACK DOI.AN
111 14
E Walsh
Jas Hen’syN
65200 BEN BAN
H’ brand
B Duryea
(6.5211 )♦ ALBERT F.
J Dwyer
C Ross
Mr.s J Curl
W’ Miller
T Muir
65141 PATER
Hitchcock Jr
88 10
F Fox
Van DusenJ
H Morris
640.39 AVA
\V Nelson
•Omitted from entries. Time, 11?, 2:»?, :i6?, 48?, l:ol?. 1:13*.
Winner— B. «*, by Deceiver — Spectacles (traine<l by J. Harney).
Went to post ut‘2:.56. At post 4 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving; third the Siimc.
Optician decisively outbroke, outpaced aim ourstH.v<*<l his op|K>sition. winning all the way in a iiu>st c»»m
vimdng style and was much the l)cst. Slickaway was- in forward juirsuir throughout and drew aw.ay ‘
dcci.sively iii the stretch for second place. Jack Imlan <-losed up slciolily when with clear sailing. Vrsn-
hccs force<l out of position early, was unexptM-tedly nutpactal tlkroughout. also failed to stay and ran
a very bad race. Fortunate, away i>oorly, clos<*d up much ground. Ben Ban sufTered at the start and
closed a big gap. All>ert F.. nearly left, made up fifteen lengths. Civoiini Balerio showed early sikek^l.
but failed to stay. Pater showed prominency for five furlongs and thou quK, Comedienne was InqNdessIy
outpaceii throughout.
Scratched— 051 88® Jacobite. 126.
Ovenveights — Slickaway, 3 pounds.
FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. ( 1 :06?— t— 120. >
2-year-olds. Net value to winner $1,6:16.
Remsen Handicap. $1..5(M) addt'd.
(65242) FRANK GILL
(65069) MOMENTU.M.
AWt PP St 44 % % Str Fin
W B 107 5
w 115 4
W^ 114 3
W' 110 6
WB 113 2
B 107 5 .5 2* 14 1* 1® Notter
12 2® 24 2b Shaw
54 5* 3* 3‘ Koerner
3h 4* 4® 42 Sewell
J Ij McGinnis
G M Odom
H P IVhitney
M H Tichenor
W Miller Newca.slle Stable 3
64974*ELId(Y>TT w 112 1 1 6 6 6 6 Horner J H Madigan 6 S 7" 2 1
Time, 11?, 23, 35?, 48. 1:01. 1:08.
Winner — Ch. c, by Collar — Ravello II. (trained by J. I. Smith).
Went to post at 3:24. At post 2 minutes. Start g<xHl. Won in a canter; second driving; third Ihc
same. Frank (4111 is a coming crackerjack. broke slowly, but quickly overhaulo<l the leaders, drew .*ut
under a pull on the last turn and won easing up. Oraculum forced the pace to the last turn and. after
giving way to the winner, stood a game closing drive to save second place. Killaloe. away badly and
outpaced for the first half, finished with a whirlwind rush and ran a grand race. Eddie Ware failed to
get up for third place in a speedy and game effort. Momentum was outclassed at the weignts and was
never really dangerous. Elllcott w’as always outrun.
Scratched— 6.5210*BotanIst, 106; 64764 Killieerankle, 99; 65213®Belcast, 111; 0,52 42® Adoration. 11.3-
66173®Fantastic. 100; 05150 Acrobat, 92.
Incorrect weight in entries — Frank Gill, 104.
8-5 8-511-101-2 1-5
5 9 7 2S 6-.5
8 10 8 3 7-5
6 10 8 3 7-5
3 3A 3i 1 2-5
6 8 7 2 1
FIFTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. (1:45? — 4 — 105.) $700 added. 3-year-olds and upward.
Fillies, Mares and Geldings. Selling. Net value to winner $690.
AWtPPSt % ^ % StrFln Jockeys Owmera G H C P S
6.519s®GRAND DUCHESS WB 4 103 4 2 1® lb lb [u n w Miller G Moore
w 3 99 9 6 3* 32 3b 3i 2*4 Garner
ws 5 98 1
ws f) 103 7
3 4*5 54 71 5* :{b C Ross
8 8* 72 6b 4b 4*4 Homer
er>241*RATHER ROYAL WSB 4 109 6 5 24 2*4 2*4 2b 5b Sewell
6523.53NELLIE BURN W' 3 90 8 7 7 * 8* 8J 7* 7b G Burns G L Richards 30 40 40 15 7
6r.lS62tY)Li:MBIA GIRL w 5 ■ 98 6 4 ,5b 6* 5b 8 8® Van DusenJ M Johnson 2 4 4 8-5 4-5
6:am BAIiON ESHER W' 4 100 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 Finn J R Pyne 20 GO 30^ 10 5
Time. 12?. 24^, .36?, 48?, 1:01, l:14g, 1:41?, 1:48?.
IVinner — Ch. f. by Giganteum — Superb 11. (trained by G. B. HUB.
Went lo post at .3:54. At iwist 1 minute. Start go<^. Won easily; second driving; third the same.
Grand Duchess jumped into the lead at the start and won all the way under skillful nursing. Tipping,
from an extreme outside position, lost sevtTal lengths on the first turn, then closed a big gap and just
failed to get up. Panique broke slowly and and was pulled up repeatedly and nearl3’ thrown at the half,
then closed a lot of ground in the last halt and might have won if well ridden. Red Light, awa.v poorly,
closed up steadily and is improving. Rather Royal tired right at the end of close pnrsiilt of the winner
for seven furlongs. Ocean Spray tired in the last quarter and was probably short. Columbia Girl was
badly messed alkout all the W’ay and her race should be thrown out.
Scratched — 64747=DruId, 103; (65259) Emperor of India, KKl; G4249 Pirate Polly, 103; (64911)Bam.n
90; (*51.37 O. K., S7.
Iucorre(d weight In entries — Panique, 9.5.
Overweights — Rather Royal, 2 pounds.
W'B 3 94 2 1 62 42 41 6*
W' 3 90 8 7 7 * 8*
W 5 ■ 98 6 4 ,5b 6*
W' 4 100 3 9 9 9
J H McAvoy
J Rowan
P J Millett
R C Nelson
J H Morris
24 18-516-r^.5 3-.5
4 4 S 1 3-5
6 6 4 8-5 4-5
4 6 6 2 6-5
6 8 8 3 8-5
20 30 .30 10 5
30 40 40 15 7
2 4 4 8-5 4-5
20 GO 30^ 10 5
Time, .3:02.
Winner — B. c, bv Riley — ^Bessie Barnes (trained by J. Collins)
Went to post at 3*17. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won handily; second driving; third the same.
Barnes, fencing well and skillfully bandied, showed improved form and, after being a close contender in
the early stages, wore down the leaders lu the stretch run and won well in hand. Sam TIofflieim<?r also
showed improvement and ran a good race, tiring slightly in the final drive. Dawson had elear s.iiliug
throughout and finished going gamely. Plea tired in the last round of the field. Lady Jocelyn ran p<K>rly
•and had a rough trip, being impeded several times. Arc Light pulled up very lame. Onyx II. was a
s(emlng winner when he ran out at the last jump In the field. Frank Me was in the lead when he fell
after going over the sixth jump and broke his shoulder.
Scratched— (65;2.>0)John Dillon, 140; 05194 Evander, 138.
Overweights — Onyx II., 1 pound. .
SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. (1:45? — 4 — 105.) $800 added. 3-year-olds and upward.
Handicap. Net value to winner $670.
AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S
5 10 9 2? 1
2 2 6-5 2-5 out
3668-5 7-10
2 11-57-5 1-2 out
10 JO 20 & 3-2
(65212)CRESSINA w 3 125 2 1 1* 1* 1* 1® 1® Horner A J Joyner 6-5 2 2 1-2 out
65200 BELLE OF PEQUESTw 3 114 3 4 4b 31 3b 2* 2* C Rosa R H McC Potter 2 24 2 1-2 out
66212®STAMP’G GROUND w 6 116 4 3 3* 4* 4* 3b S| Koerner F R Doctor 3 4 18-51 out
57636 MASTER OF CRAFTwn 4126666 6 6 6 4® Byer PSP Rajidolph 20 30 10 2A 1
65212 LADY SAVOY WB 4 123 1 22b2*»2b4b6 Garner W Gerst 5 7 4i 8-5 out
Time, 12?. 24?. 36?, 48?, 1:03, 1:13?, 1:40|, 1:47?. ^ o ui.
Winner — B. f, by Watercress — Carina (trained by A. Joyner).
Went to post at 4:22. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a canter; R(KH>nd driving; third the
same. Cressina is in grand form and palp.sbly outclassed the others, made the running throughout under
a pull and scored a very victory. Belle of Pequest, inadequately handled, lost a lot of ground in the
early running and closed up weU in the last quarter, but never menaced the winner. Stamping-Ground
was never able to get into serious contention at any stage of the journey, but held on gamely in the clos-
ing drive to earn third place. Master of Craft, away slowly and hopelessly outpaced for six furlongs, was
gaining at the end. Lady Savoy quit badly after a close and strenuous early five furlongs pursuit of the
Scratched— 66201 Bryan, 112i 66241 Delphic, II64
Jamaica Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, October 30.
FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. (1 4— 12«.)
Iii.kx C'ourse Dist Time T’ck Wt St % Vj % StrFin Jockeys Best Company
SALLY PRESTON, b. f, 2, by Canopus— Nell Preston (M. A. Healey). Weight today 95.
.ljunaica 1-2 f 1 ;07K good H'4 }♦ 3 3 3‘ W Miller C. Huron. L. Vincent. Bol. Dollars
.lufnaica 5 1-2 f 1 ;0Sil slow 107 7 6 6 5‘ 3*^ W Miller Baringo. Fantastic. Grace George.
«6*»54 Belmont Pk 5-8 l:01i mud 110 2 2 2 3‘ 3“ L WilliamaToddles, J. Wells, li. of Irmiuois.
HANCOCK, b. g, 2, by Fatherless— Merry Maid (J. Hynes). , Weight today 96.
ti.VJ!:. Jamaica 5-S l:02g mud 1<« 7 7 7 5^ 3-i VV' Miller Molesey. Jennie VV ells. Cltrona.
M’KITTREPGE, ch. g, 8, by Goodrich— Manola Mason CH. B. Duryea). Weight today 98.
65198 Jamaica 1 1-4 2;0Sg good % 10 9 7 5 3h 3‘ R MclJan’ IBragg, <i. Duchess. Sonoma Belle.
6^1.51 Holnamt Pk 1 1-2 2:33* fast loO G 5 5 5 G‘2 IPbiaml Outcome. I'alotte. Angler.
fwlOG Belmont Pk 1 3-16 1:588 fast 111 ‘ 7 6 6 7 7 5* H’brand T. Wftddell. C. Sweep. (okmI lan k.
6.510G Belmont Pk 1 3-16 1:588 fast 111 7 6 6 7 7 5 H nrand
lACOBITE, b. g, 3, by Golden Garter— Flora Mack (E. R. Thomas).
G.51SS Jamaica 3-4 1:13* slow 107 6 5 o 2‘ 2* Horner
G5057 Belmont Pk 3-41:13 mud 122 4 5 6 t> 5*i Horner
64997 Brighton B 3-4 l:12g fast 100 3 1 1 1» l*i Horner
.Weight today 103,
Rye. VVes, Rusk.
Dr. Gardner. Dlshahllle, Ben Ban.
Gainbrinus, Fish Hawk, Monet.
fifth RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (1 :r)2J— ;i— n:;.)
BRAGG, b. h, 7, by Biddartha— CanUtrice (J. Curl).
65214 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :50g mud 114 14 3 1 1= 1* J Harris
G519S Jamaica
65137 Belmont Pk
1 1-4 2:0Sg good 102 2 2 1
Weight today 102.
NilUIck. Delnnae. .Merlingo.
•ioljjy Belmont Pk 5-8 58| fast 95 1
C4610 Coney Island G-8 1:01 fast 109 18
AUTUMN FLOWER, b. f, 2, by Di eudonne
ti;52;is Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1 :078 good 94 10
G5092 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f l:06g fast 92 4
65005 Brighton B 6 1-2 f l:07g slop 99 10
VV Miller Higginbotham, Fire Opal, Qualify. m'KITTREDGE (See Fourth Race).
1 1:39* fast 112 12 14 14 14 14 14 ‘•JB W'alsh
Ik 12 J Harris H. DiieliesH. McKlttredge, Son. Belle
16 15 15* 15“^5J Doyie Joe Miller, Sen. Clay, Common Sue.
-Dashing (A. Weir). Weight today 95.
10 10 9 Engl’der Claralluron, L. Vincent, S. Prestou
5 6 6* 5* H’therton BenStroiig, AccHigh, UoyalBreeze.
10 10 10 ‘ 9** Jas Hen’syLoring, Uraculum, Gallant Dan.
JIM LEONARD, h. c. 2, by St. Leonards— Indifference (F. W. Seeley).
65210 Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:0S| mud 107 6 6 6 6“ 6‘"iNotter
65210 Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:0S| mud 107 6 6 6 6“ 6‘"iNotter
64499 Coney Island 3-4 1:163 mud 112 9 9 9 12 12 W Dugai
6399S Ih'ighton B 6 1-2 f 1:08| slop 102 3 1 1 IJ 2>J Notter
W00L8TARTLE, ch. c, 2. by Woolsthorpe — Startle (L. A. Celia).
«i..l99 Jatnaiea 5 1-2 f 1:08 good 97 10 6 6 4' 4« F Swain
6r,i;;9 lUdmont Pk 5-8 58| fast 87 11 6 7 7^ 7»i F Swain
6;Vh: 7 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:16 110 7 9 9 9* F Swain
MITRE, h. g, 2. by Ornament — Stately (J. Stern).
Weight today 98.
They’re Off. Montgomery, Botanist.
DAZZLE, b. c, 4 ,by Kingston— Lady Gay (J. R. Pyne).
65198 Jamaica 1 1-4 2:083 good loo 4 4 6 6 10 Finn
65065 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:29 fast 97 12 16 16 16 16 IS’^ Lauby
64451 Saratoga 1 1:41* good 99 2 13 13 14 12* 12»*JFinn
NEMESIS (See Fourth Race).
palette, b. f, % by Ben Brush — Bonnie Lee (G. L. Richards).
W Dugan Fish Hawk, Malacca, El Dorado.
6.)142 Belmont Pk 5-S :59 fast 95 5 4 4 5*>
61777 Brooklyn 5-8 1 :01R good 107 5 8 4 4'
61666 Coney Island 5 1-2 f 1:08* good 105 0 6 6 6’
(»4615 Coney Island 6-8 1:00* fast 109 3 4 4 6i
TAUNT, h. f, 2, by Toddington — Liane (T. E. Crist).
6;,j;{s Jamaica 5 1-2 f l:07g good 9I» 11 11 11 12
♦•519!* .Tumaica 5 1-2 f 1:08 good 94 4 5 7.8’
64977 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:07* fast 99 1 3 4 5'
4’ m .Sewell
61 6»* Sewell
6* 6»J Sewell
11 11 12 12 Koerncr
5 7. S» 8^ C Ross
Notter Flowaway, Roswell,’ Umbrella.
Celia). Weight today 93.
F Swain Beleast, W’aterbury, Royal Breez<‘.
76 7*5 Swain Higginbothnin, Fire Opal, Hancock.
92 gu p Swain Vox Popull, Hardshot, Herman.
Weight today 92.
Jas Hen’syGlcnhain, W, & Play, Sand.Cri'eker.
65212 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:50* mud 118 5 5 4 4 4 3- VV Doyle
65198 Jamaica 1 1-4 2:08g good 99 8 8 5 7 8’ 8’J Notter
65151 Belmont Pk 1 1-2 2:33* fast 100 3 2 2 1 2’ 2* Notter
HACY, JR., blk. 0. 8, by Macy — Annie Brown (J. A. Bennet).
65186 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :4S3 slow 9:1 7 6 4 1 1* 1* C Ross
65082 Belmont Pk 1 1:38* fast 95 6 8 8 8 5^ 4»i Engl’der
1 65029 Belmont Pk 1 l:39g fast 93 4 6 6 4 2^ 1* Engl’der
VV’elbourne, True Wing, John Lyle.
Weight today 95.
Weight today 100.
Bragg, (wrundDmiiertx. McKlttredge.
Gambriims, Deutsehland, Uunuels.
Columbia Girl, Bryan. Cadlcboii.
Weight today 99.
Weight today 94.
Vy Doyle Cresslua, Staiup.Ground. LadyS»\voy
Bragg. GrandDuthess. M«*Kittredge,
Outcome, Angler, Sailor Boy,
Weight today 93.
Columbia Girl, .Tohimtown. Del»nH«*
Optician, Dekuber, Panique.
Givonni Balerio, Runnels. Mandarin
Ace High, Rappahannock, Yorkist.
Vaquero, El Dorado, Gargantua.
Waterbury, Cltrona. Algelone.
Weight today 90.
SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds.
Fillies. Special Weigbts.
JENNIE WELLS, h. f, 2, by Gerol stein — Zerline (Delaware Stable). Weight today 108.
’ 5-8 1:023 mud 108 2 :? 4 2.i 2* Brussel Molesey. Hauc(K‘k. Cltrona.
2 f 1:051 fast 109 5 3 3 3* 4* Brussel Vails, Barbary Belle, lleba Stone.
5-8 1:011 rnud 105 6 3 3 2 ‘ 2“ Brussel Toildles, Sally Preston, B.onrofpmi.s.
by Star Ruby — Fusee (Mrs. C. Cochran). Weight today 108.
5-8 l:02g mud 108 3 1 1 3t> 5’i H Cochran Molest.y, Jennie VV'ells. HaneiM'k.
5-8 583 fast 89 8 4 2 2‘* 2* Brussel Higginbotham, Hancock, Qualify.
-2 f 1:10 mud 112 2 7 7 7* 7‘* H Cochran James Crawfonl, Manana,
Omamont— Annie C. (R. W. Nelson). Weight today 108.
7-8 1:28 slop 89 10 11 11 12 12 12*- R Lowe Beaiiclere. Dissent. liumertine.
3-4 1:16 fast 107 17 14 14 15 15*" J Walsh Vo.x I’opuli, Hardshot.
1 l:43i slop 97 5 8 8 8 S* 8*"JH Cochran Mariposa, Herman Jobstown.
65215 Jamaica
5-8 1:023 mud 108 2
Claralluron. L. Vineenl, S. Preston 66101 Belmont Pk 6 1-2 f 1:05| fast 109
Ross BeRast, Waterl)yry, Royal Breeze.
Miller Colonel Jack, Pungent, Mintberia.
2.i 2* Brussel
3* 4* Brussel
2‘ 2“ Brussel
HYPERBOLE, b. f. 2. by Sandringham — Hypatica <Oneck Stable). Weight today 95. 6,)21^ Jamaica
tkV’ls Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:073 l?oo<l 99 G 5 5 5‘ .5“ Jas Hcn’syClaraHuron, L. Vincent, S. Preston 65139 Belmont Pk
♦w.177 'l inriica 3-4 1:14* slow 95 11 11 6 6* 5’*1R Lowe Oraculnm, Clara Huron. Roy. Breeze 64816 Brooklyn
651,50 ’Belmont Pk 6 1-2 f l:16g fast 93 2 2 2 3‘ 3«* R Lowe Lady Vera, Temaceo, Clara Huron. WILLDO, b. f, 2
BLACK MATE. ch. c, f. by First Mate — Later (D. Kelly). Weight today 102. 65161 Itelmont Pk
65177 l.-imaica 3-4 1 :14* slow 108 10 10 9 11> 11*'* Radtke Oraouliim, Clara Hurmi, Roy.Breeze 65067 Belmont Pk
6.M *9 ’Belmont I*k 7-8 1:26 fast 107 2 2 2 3 3’ 3* Radtke Orphan Lad, Gild, Mariposa. 6,5010 Brighton B
tk504.5 Itelmont I’k 6 1-2 f 1:19* slop 106 5 8 8 8* 9'* Radtke Bariugo, Animus, Uitleman. ILLUSION, b. f,
ACE HIGH. ch. c. 2. by Troubadour — Run of Luck (Fiye Points Stablo). Weight today 98. 65189 Jamaica
6.52:’.9 Jamaica 6 1-2 f 1:08 good 112 2 8 8 9 9'“ Garner VV’ a tor bury, Molesey, Gild. 6ol.39 Belmont Pk
65121» Belmont Pk 7-8 1:26 fast 105 1 1 1 1 5' 7®J Garner Orphan Lad. Gild. Black Mate. 64764 Brooklyn
6.'.(i92 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:063 fast 93 6 2 2 2»> 2'J Beckman BenStrong. Uoy.Br£*eze, L. Vincent. ECONOMY, ch. f,
6.'.017 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08k hvy 106 1 4 4 4 ' 4" Garner Tileing, Belleof Iroquois, Russell T. Jamaica
8* 9'* Radtke
65129 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:26 fast 105 1 1 1 1 5' 7®J Garner
6.^.(i92 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:063 fast 93 6 2 2 2»> 2'J Beckman
6.-.0 17 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08k hvy 106 1 4 4 4 ' 4" Garner
PASS KIM OUT, h. c, 2, by Ornus- Mrs. Ayers (H. Meyers).
6.5171 Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:083 slow 102 6, 8 7 7* 6‘** Harty
M919 P.rooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:073 fast 115 12 12 12 10* 10** C’mmins
« -9771 Coney Island 5 1-2 f 1:09 good 105 19 19 18 18 IS^oiCymmins
Orphan Lad, Gild. Black Mate.
BenStrong. Uoy.Br£*eze, L. Vincent.
Tileing, Belleof Iroquois. Russell T. 6M89 Jamaica ' 5-8 1:023 slow' 95 5 6 6 4»» 3' Heff’nan
Weight today 93. tl4flL5 Coney Island 5-8 1:00* fast 109 14 11 11 11* 10»* Radtke
Baringo, Fantastic, Sally I’lvston. 631^43 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08 good 107 12 12 8 8' 5*® Koerner
Gild,, Herman. SPHINX, hr. f. 2, by St. Serf— L ady Invercauld (J. R. Keene).
Kn. of Ivanhoe, J. Crawford, Gild. 63943 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08 good 107 10 8 7 6h 6»®JMyers
0. Weight today 90. 6:iJ)02 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08* fast 107 9 8 6 4* 3“ Myers
Molesey, Jennie VV’ells, Hancock. 63741 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:08* fast 102 14 14 14 13' 10“J Radtke
I Stable). Weight today 94. NADINE, ch. f, 2, by Woolsthorpe — Natalie (Albemarle Stable).
They’re Off. Mon tgomerv'. Botanist 65067 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:16 fast 107 12 15 15 14 14*® R McDa
Baringo, Fantastic, Sally Preston. 64883 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:13 mud 107 9 7 9 lOh 10'* JR McDa
6,5010 Brighton B
ILLUSION, b. f, 2,
65189 Jamaica
65139 Belmont Pk
64764 Brooklyn
6.)054 Belmont Pk 5-8 1:013 mud 105 6 3 3 2 ' 2® F
FIRE OPAL, ch. f, 2, by Star Ruby — Fusee (Mrs. C. Cochri
6,5215 Jamaica 5-8 l:02g mud 108 3 1 1 3*' 5*J F
65139 Belmont Pk 5-8 583 fast 89 8 4 2 2‘J 2* I
64816 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:10 mud 112 2 7 7 7* 7'" I
WILLDO, b. f, 2, by Ornament— Annie C. (R. W. Nelson).
65161 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:28 slop 89 10 11 11 12 12 12*® I
ECONOMY, ch. f, 2, by Voter— Frugal (C. F. Fox).
65189 .lamaica
648L5 Coney Island
5-8 1:023 slow 95 5
5-8 1:00* fast 109 14
ST. SUPERB, h. g, 2, by St. Leonards II.— Superb II. (Cullaloo StabloL Weight today 90.
6.5215 Jamaica 5-8 l:U2g mud 10^ 11 11 12 12' 12'®JC’mmins Molesey, Jennie VV’ells, Hancock.
GRACE GEORGE, ch. f, 2, by Star Ruby-Frolicsome H. (Delaware Stable). Weight today 94.
65‘in Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:08* mud 104 2 2 4 4' 4«J Bru.ssel They’re Off. Mon tgomer>'. Botanist,
ifc.n;; Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:083 slow 107 3 3 5 4' 4® Brussel Baringo, Fantastic, Sally Preston.
6-1974 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:06* fast 104 2 4 4 5»» 6<J Brussel Waterbury, Altuda, Ellicott.
RED GARTER, ch. g, 2. by Golden Garter— Falsalara (S. Paget). Weight today 100.
65215 Jamaica 5-8 l:02g mud 108 8 4 3 4J 6“ Jas Hen’syMolesey, Jennie Wells, Hancock.
54687 Coney Island 5 1-2 f 1:06* slow 99 5 6 5
SWIFT GIRL, hr. f, 2, by My Boy n.— Annie D.
First start.
by Mesmerist — Marmarica (J. Bauer). Weight today 108.
5-8 1:023 slow 9» 2 2 2 3* 2J Notter Jiieinta. ICeouoiny. Irvine.
5-8 583 fast 88 17 8 9 9J 9“* G Burns Higginbotham. Fire Opal. Ham«H-k.
5-8 1:01* fast 99 1 5 8 8' 8'*JNotter Itoyal Lady, Common Sue. Baringo.
'. Fox). Weight today 108.
6 6 4*» 3' Heff’nan Jacinta. Illusion. Irvine.
11 11 11* 10'* I^dtke Waterbury, Cltrona, Algelone.
12 8 8' 5'® Koerner Dulcinea, Suada, Revenue,
rcauld (J. R. Keene). Weight today 108.
8 7 6b 6*®JMyers Dulcinea, Suada, Revenue.
8 6 4J 3“ Myers Baringo. Revenue. Manila.
14 14 13' 10“J Radtke Chaseaway, Athens. El Dorad<».
I (Albemarle Stable). Weight today 108.
15 15 14 14*® R McDan’lV’ox Popull. Hardshot, Herman.
7 9 lOh 10'*JR McDan’lColonel Jack, linndsnmn. Herman.
4'* R McDanTFoddles, Budapest. Sylvan Dixon.
Weight today 108,
SECOND RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward.
MERLINGO, ch. c, 3, by Ornament — Mary M. (T. M. Cassidy).
HT12U Jamaica 1 1-16 l:.50j{ mud 93 8 7 6 .5 ,5' 4^* C Ross
U5174 Jamaica. 1 1-16 1:493 slow 9S 6 6 6 4 3'J 3=J Notter
fn5149 Belmont Pk 1 1:40* fast 107 10 11 11 10 10* IPJ Radtke
DELPHIE. hr. f, 4. by Atheling — ^Liffey (M. A. Healey).
65241 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:483 fast lOG 7 4 4 5 o' 5« R Pow<
6;51.S7 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49* slow 110 2 1 3 3 3* 2* W Mil
61876 Aqueduct 7-8 1:27 fast 103 6 7. 7 7 7' 7'* Powers
DELMORE. ch. <
Im 214 Jamaica
1W»1S6 Jamaica
64998 Brighton B
MARY HALL, h. f, 2, by Box— Sal lie MarshaU (W. Showalter). Weight today 108.
(1:45* 4 105.) 63845 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:078 fast 102 10 10 10 10 10'^ W Doyle Mintberia, Umbrella. Flowawa3’,
VIVA VOCE, ch. f, 2, by Voter — Ventnor (W. A. Chenier). Weight today 108.
WPiB-ht todav 64992 Brighton B 3-4 1:13* fast 107 7 8 8 9* 9“ H Cochran El Dorado. Dan Biilire, Yankee Girl.
Bragg, Niblick. Delmow ^ 64919 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:078 fast 112 13, 13 13 13 13” JH Cochran Gild, Glenliam, Herman.
Jobii Lyle, Calif. King. S.Carutliers WATERSPEED, ch. f, 2, by Watercolor— ^ue Kittie (H. K. Vingut). Weight today 108.
Colum. Girl, G. Balerio, S.Caruthers 6c2ir> Jamaica 5-8 1:U28 mud 108 6 5 5 10* 11'® VV Knapp Molesey. .Teniile VV’ells. Haneo<‘k.
Waiffht todav 108 63824 Brighton B 6 1-2 f 1:08| slow 110 4 4 6 10' 10'®JBrussel B. of Iroquois, Yorkist, L. Vincent.
Onatas. Givonni Balerio, B ^ 63741 Brighton B 6 1-2 f 1:08* fast 97 8 4 4 4* 4® Brussel Chaseaway, Athens, El Dorado.
Garnisb, Cressina, Tommy VVad'deli CORA PRICE, ch. f. 2, by First Mate — Embrace (P. H. McOarren). Weight today 108.
Weight today 103.
R Powers Onatas, Givonni Balerio, U. Royal.
W Miller Garnisb, Cressina, Tommy Waddell
Broadcloth, JackMcKeon, WaterDog. I 64883 Brooklyn
by Gold&nch— Brillar (Mrs. L. Harris).
1 1-16 1:508 mud 98 4
1 1-16 1:488 slow 91 1
3-4 1:13 fast 106 5
3* 3*J Garner
4J 4" H Alex
6b 6*JH Alex
Weight today 98.
Bragg, Niblick, Merlingo.
Macy Jr., Columbia Girl, Johnstown
Sly Ben Saylor, Slickaway.
64396 Saratoga
64347 Saratoga
Ab 3-4 1:13 mud 107 5
5 1-2 f 1:09* slop 94 10
5 1-2 f 1:088 good 90 16
11 12 12* 12'* Engl’der
10 11 11 ll'» Engl’der
11 11 9* 9'**Freishon
REBA STONE, b. f, 2, by Garry Hermann — Belle of Elgin (J. Freeman).
B. of Iroquois, Yorkist, L. V’inceiit.
Chaseaway, Athens, El Dorado.
Weight today 108.
Colonel Jack, Landsman. Herman.
Mortiboy, Fish Hawk. V’aquero.
Bemay, Fish Hawk, Quagga.
HALLOWMAS, ch. c, 3, by St. Leonards— St. Cypria (J. M. Johnson).
6.50S0 Belmont Pk
65(S5S Bqlmont Pk
64863 Brooklyn
64778 Brooklyn
1 1:39 fast 117 2 6 6
1 1-16 1:46 mud 103 5 3 3
1 1-16 1:47* fast 102 10 9 6
1 1-8 1:54 good 102 7 6 5
JOHNSTOWN, hr. c. 3, by Clifford — Frolicsomo (J. Sanford)
6.52:16 Jamaica
♦►51S6 Jamaica
Coney Island
1 1-8 1:55 good 95 8
1 1-16 1:488 slow 93 6
1 1:408 fast 110 9
6 5'* J Martin Hot Toddy, Security, Pater.
3b 4*J Van DusenBelmere, Belle of Jessamhie.Onatas.
3* 3“ Koerner Deutschland, Oarsman, R. Water.
4' 6“ J Johnson S. H. Harris, John Lyle, Tartan.
(J. Sanford). Weight today 107.
1* 1* C Ross CTlialfonte, Penrliyn, G. L. M.
3b 3* Drolette Macy Jr., Columbia Girl. Delinore.
6* 5” T Clark B.ofJ’samlne, L.'r’r’nt’la.Cloister’ss
65245 Jamaica
Weight today 108.
CANNON BALL. hr. h, 6, by Artillery — Golden Horn (T. Stewarr). Weight today 106.
65019 Brighton B 1 1-16 1:48* hvy lo7 5 7 7 7 7* 7»*IS Dickson Belmere, Anneta Lady, Mandarin.
64S77 p.rooklyn Ab 3-4 1:12* mud 108 7 8 8 9' 10®* S Dickson Arklirta, Van Ness, Robin Hood.
614S.S Washington 5 1-2 f 1:10 slop 108 1 2 2 2* 3* Shaw Nutwood, Monte Carlo, Hyperion.
CI428 Washington 6 1-2 f 1:24 good 110 1 11 1" 1* Shaw Parkville, Mettle, Pirateer.
PIRATE POLLY, ch. f, 4, by Pirate of Penzance — Koamo (F. F. Lyne). Weight today 103.
61219 Saratoga. 1 1:39s fast 1^4 11 9 9 9 9' 9* Koerner Ocean Spray, Graceful, Memories.
64037 Brighton B 1 1-16 1:47 mud 106 3 8 10 10 11 10”*Koerner King Cole, Red Leaf, Wrenne.
63543 Coney Island 1 1-16 1:50 good 105 4 2 2 3 4* 4“J W Knapp Onatas, Belgravia, A. Muskoday.
A. MUSKODAY. ch. o, 4 , by Meadowthorpe — Black Bessie (Mrs. 6. W. Dodge). Weight today 106.
652'12 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49 good UHJ 2 2 3 2 2* 5'J R McDan’IYoung Davis. Chim. Sweep, J. Lyle.
65141 Belmont Pk 1 1:39| fast 1C.5 6 6 7 8 7b 5* R McDan’lConslstent, Bobbie Keane, Bivouac.
Sly Ben Saylor, Slickaway. 65245 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 113 13 8 6 3'J 3*J J Martin Yorkist, John J. Rogers, Maauua.
■Wpie-ht fodiiv ini 65101 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:058 fast 113 6 7 7 4b 3" VV Dugan Vails, Barbary Belle, Jennie Wells.
Hot Toddv SeriirDv PHtor 54959 Brighton B 5 1-2 f 1:06| fast 109 10 9 9 7* 7»J Sewell Main Chance, Algelone. Linnepee.
Belmere. 64731 Brooklyn 6 1-2 f 1:08 fast 11113 10 10 10b 9'* J Martin Pr. Hampton, Gargantna, Algelone
Deutschland, Oarsman, R. ’ Water. CITRONA, hr. f, 2, by Greenan — Cordite (W. D. Babcock). Weight today 108.
S. H. Harris, John Lyle, Tartan. 65215 Jamaica 5-8 1:02* mud 108 5 6 6 6 ' 4*J W' Doyle Molesey, .Jennie Wells, llaiM*ock.
Wpiff-64- fA<iav iftT 65139 Belmont Pk 5-8 58g fast 88 Left at the post. C Ross Higginbotham, Fire Opal, Hancock.
Clialfonte, PenHijuirG L VI 64782 Brooklyn 5-8 1:02 good 92 7 11 11 11* 14'* G Burns Common Sue. El Dorado. Manila.
Maev Jr.,’ Columbia Girl. lielinore. NETTIE CARITA. ch. f, 2, by Sir Walter — Storm Cloud (G. W. Foreman). Weight today 108.
B.ofJ’samlne, L.'r’r’nt’la.Cloister’ss 6B770 Brighton B 5 1-3 f l:07g fast 104 3 5 8 8' 7'" Baird Fantastic, Laura A., Gold Lady.
63489 Coney I.slando 1-2 f l:05g fast 99 12 11 11 14 14** Jas Hen’syFlowaway, Black Mate. Jacinta.
_ . weigni loaay 100. r*r.nov Telanrir. 1-9 f 1 n? fuRt 9Q 10 13 13 131 111»ir’nrrflTi T.uUr- P.lfnll Vf.Upcoir
3'J 3*J J Martin Yorkist, John J. Rogers, Maauua.
4b 3" VV Dugan Vails, Barbary Belle, Jennie Wells.
7J 7®J Sewell Main Chance, Algelone. Linnepee.
10b 91T J Martin Pr. Hampton, Gargantna, Algelone
abcock). Weight today 108.
6' 4*J W' Doyle Molesey, .Jennie Wells, llaiM*ock.
post. C Ross Higginbotham, Fire Opal, Hancock.
11* 14'* G Burns Common Sue, El Dorado. Manila.
63301 Coney Islandu 1-2 £ 1:07 fast 99 10 13 13 13' ll'®JCurran Gold I..ady, Elfall, Molesey.
Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Tnesday, October 30.
FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. All Ages.
Index Course
Dist Time T’ck Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys
6.'*uS2 Belmont Pk
LISTLESS, ch. t,
C.5211 Jamaica
6.5U22 Brighton B
Brighton B
1 1:38* fast I05 18 18 IS 17 17»«17'»JJarrett
8. by Voter — Indifferenoa( W. C. Daly).
1 1-16 l:5ug mud 9u 6 5 5 7 7* 7‘® G Bun
3-4 1:138 slow 1U3
3-4 1:14* hvy 87
3-4 l:15g slop 108
7* 7‘® G Burns
4“ 4'® McGrath
S' 9'* G Burns
2 2‘® McGrath
Optician, Dekuber, Panique.
Weight today 90.
Bragg. Niblick. Deluiore.
ALYTH, b. 0, t, by Cactua II. — Midlight (M. J. Daly).
THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens.
Sullrage, Bertha E.. Sister Frances 65119 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:07* fast
NanleHodge, Gambrinus, Rob.iiood. SPIDER WEB, hr, £, 2, by Woolstk
Haudzarra. 6T»247 Latonia 3-4 1:15* goo(]
(1:12*— 3— 92.)
ockeys Best Company
Weight today 89.
rarroll Kelined, Caper, Cliarley VV’ard.
Daly Retined, Ncdra, Lady Vimouf.
Carroll Judith rx>uise, Horcafter, Refttu*<L
b). Weight today 91.
lestis, Still .Manu. .Murmorean.
Keyes TomDolan, Beaut.. Mayo, J.Kuufuiaii
y Still Alarm, Tauager, Ouardl.
JOHN H,. b. g, 3, by Don Orsino — Daffy (J. F. Hale). Weight today 95.
64441* Saratoga 3-4 1:14 good 103 10 7 9 9' 10‘» J Carroll G. Balerio, Bertha E.. Calabash.
.54574 Kansas City 4 1-2 f 57J fast 110 1 2 2J 3*J E MorrisonldaKcarney. EarlRogers.L. Cruiser
.54408 Kansas City 4 1-2 £ 66* good 107 4 3 6 6'“ Jas Hen’syTelepathj^ Libation. Parvo.
HOW ABOUT YOU, ch. c. 3, by Woolsthorpe — Nantucket (W. A. Stanton). Weight today 98.
64234 Saratoga 3-4 1:13* fast 120 2 10 10 9' 9'* Miles Athlete, Ben Ban, Long Run.
64197 Saratoga 1 1:39* fast 96 12 17 17 17 17 14** W Miller 1 ’FoldYou, B.ofJessainine, B.Edgren
63216 Coney Island 1 1:39* fast 106 10 10 10 10 10 10'* W Miller Gloritier, Heaslip, Single Shot.
64234 Saratoga 3-4 1:13* fast 120 2 10 10 9' 9'= Miles Athlete, Ben Ban, Long Run. t>5071 Churchill D 3-4 1:14* fast 110 13 12 10 8* 6* W G?
64197 Saratoga 1 1:39* fast 96 12 17 17 17 17 14** W Miller 1 ’I’oldYou, B.ofJessainine, B.Edgren 65015 Churchill D 5 1-2 £ 1:08 fast 110 6 7 7 6' 5*J Nicol
63216 Coney Island 1 1:39* fast 106 10 10 10 10 10 10'* W Miller Glorifler, Heaslip, Single Shot. RUBY, h. c, 8, by Star Ruby— FirenzeU (J. C. Shannon).
ASTER D’OR, hr. c, 3, by Octagon— Astoria (Mr. Madison). Weight today 98. g 2600 Louisville 3-4 1:18* hvy 97 4 4 3 9' 8" Griffith
6.51.51 Belmont Idc 3-4 1:10 fast 108 2 5 4 4* 4'“ VV Knapp Suffrage. Frank Lord, Rusk. C2307 Louisville 3-4 1 :16* good 109 11 11*12 10* 9'® F Jost
6,5113 Belmont Pk 1 1:1(9* fast 110 9 10 11 10 9* 8'® T Clark Saylor, Gypsy King, Deuce. 62293 Ixiulsvi lie 3-4 1:16 good 99J 3 2 4 13' 12'»JF Jost
CARMAGNOLE, ch. c, 3, by Farandole — Aleta (Oneck Stable). Weight today 98. 61437 City Park 3-4 l:18g hvy 106 8 3 3 3J 4® Oregar
62176 .lainaiea 5 1-2 f 1:09* mud 101 1 2 3 5' 6* R Lowe Mel. Nominee, GIvonnlBalerio.L.Flea NUN’S VEILING, oh. f, 3, by St. Angelo— Nun’s Cloth (Penny Bros.)
.56609 Brighton Bek 107 5 1-2 f fast 1:08 5 8 9 11 12 H’brand Ketropaw. Listless, Seueciial. 65218 l.atonla 5 1-2 f l:08g slow 101 5 4 5 6' 8'<JMoreI
53S66 Aqueduct 108 4 1-2 f fast 56* 2 7 7 6*J H’brand Sp. License, All Pink. Jessamine. 651SO I.rfitonia 3-4 1:14* fast 99 2 2 2 2'J 2'J C Mo
6.51.51 Belmont Idc 3-4 1:10 fast 108 2 5 4 4* 4'“ VV Knapp Suffru
6,5113 Belmont Pk 1 1:1(9* fast 110 9 10 11 10 9* 8>® T Clark Sayloi
CARMAGNOLE, ch. c, 3, by Farandole — Aleta (Oneck Stable).
62176 Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:09* mud 101 1 2 3 5' 6* R Lowe Mel.N
.56609 Brighton Bch 107 5 1-2 f fast 1:08 5 8 9 11 12 H’brand Ketrn
53866 Aqueduct 108 4 1-2 f fast 56* 2 7 7 6*J H’brand Sp. L
SPARTAN, b. g, 3, by Previous — Hannarinda (J. Bauer),
f irst Stan.
NEW ENGLAND, b. g. 3, by Golden Garter — Britannia (T. Newton).
♦>4748 Brooklyn Im 70y 1:4^>* fast 109 3 2 4 13 13 13**JH Cochran Pru<lcnt’l Girl, Young Davis, "stoU
62493 Brooklyn Al> 3-4 1:11* fast 107 8 6 9 13* 14*'JWiley Bfidgeman, Single Shot, Moonshine.
62;«6 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:15* slop 95 6 3 4 6' 8"JWiley Sahara, Chandos. Givonni Balerio.
MARIE ANTOINETTE br. f, 3. by Inverness — The Princess (A. Molinelli).
65216 I.atonia 3-4 1:16| slow 100 7 6 7» 2»» 3* J Carroll Kelined, Caper, Charley Ward.
651-55 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:09-3 hvy 110 6 5 5 4' 2* J Daly Retined, Ncdra, Lady Vimouf.
65119 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:07* fast 98 7 6 5 5* 4* J Carroll Judith rx>uise. Hereafter, ReAtie<L
SPIDER WEB, br. f, 2, by Woolsthorpe— Spider (W. £. Walsh). Weight today 91.
6.5247 Latonia 3-4 1:15* good 88 3 3 4 5* u*J Huestis CJiase, Sfill .Manu. .Murmorean.
65181 Latonia 5 1-2 f 1;07| fast 104 7 5 5 7* 4®J F Keyes TomDolan, Beaut.. Mayo, J. Kaufman
66132 Churchill D 7-8 1:27* fast 104 1 2 1 2 4'J 7" Foy Still Alarm, Tauager, Ouardl.
GOLDEN PHEASANT, ch. f, 2, by Goldfinch — Patagonia II. (C. Bowman). Weight today 91.
65247 Latonia 3-4 1:15* good 94J 6 6 6 4* 4*J D Riley (.'base. Still Alarm, MurimH-eaii.
652M Latonia 3-4 1:17| mud 91 2 6 9 9J 5"JC H ShiirgSimoQ Kent, Toboggan, Falkland.
65047 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:07* fast 103 10 12 11 11* 11” J Lee Chase, Light. Conductor, Cai>er.
64625 Windsor 5 1-2 £ 1:07* £ast 9S 4 5 3 3* 3* Tadlock Fleeting Star, Pedro, Fire Alarm.
XING LEOPOLD, b. c, 2 , by Semoronius — Nellie N. (J. Gass). Weight today 94.
65108 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:08* fast 101 J 3 «7 8 7J 5** W McIn’reJ.ady Vimont, Nedru, Sallle Suler.
65071 Churchill D 3-4 1:14* fast 110 13 12 10 8* 6* W Gannon Malta, Lady Vimoiit, Refined.
65015 Churchill D 5 1-2 £ 1:08 fast 110 6 7 7 6' 5*J Nicol Froward, Lady V'imoiit, Affinity.
RED RUBY, h. e, 8, by Star Ruby — Firenzeta (J. C. Shannon). Weight today 114.
62600 Louisville 3-4 1:18* hvy 97 4 4 3 9' 8” Griffith Julia M., Pittkiii, Limerick Girl.
02307 Louisville 3-4 1 :16* good 109 11 11*12 10* 9'® F Jost The Minks, Shipwreck, Lady (’arol.
62293 Ijoulsville 3-4 1:16 good 99J 3 2 4 13' 12'»JF Jost SclfReliant, Bensonhurst. J. Beattie
61437 City Park 3-4 l:18g hvy 106 8 3 3 3J 4® Oregar Oliver, Reboander. Plttkin.
NUN’S VEILING, oh. f, 3, by St. Angelo — Nun’s Cloth (Penny Bros.). Weight today 114.
Weight today 95.
Weight today 95.
65218 l.atonla 5 1-2 f l:08g slow 101 5 4 5 6' 8'<JMoreland Salvage. Prince Brutus. Ingolthriff .
65180 I.rfitonia 3-4 1:14* fast 99 2 2 2 2'J 2'J C Morris Belltoone, Lidwiiia. Quemi Caruliiie.
65095 Churchill D 3-4 1:13* fast 102 4 7 8 6* 6‘*JMoreland A1 s<mio, Airship, Sorrel Top.
REVOLT, ch. m, 6, by St. Carlo — Anarchy (V. Gilbert). Weight today 119.
6.5<»T7 Belmont I'k 1 1:41 fast 100 7 6 6 6 6* 5'*JLiebcrt
6:.o“9 Belmont Pk 1 1:3'J3 fast 90 7 16 16 14 14 13‘"JH Alex
♦;44).5;’, Brighton B 2-4 1:13 fast 103 7 7 7 7' 6'«JLiebert
MS4.5 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:492 fast 107 2 2 5 6 6' 6'* Leibert
COMEDIAN, ch. g, 3, by Mirthful — Eliza Belle (C. F. Clark).
64998 Brighton 13 3-4 1:13 fast 103 13 9 9 9' 9‘*JFinn
62'*8l Brighton B 1 1-16 1:47* fast 104 11 12 14 14 14 13 C’lnmins
638:59 Brighton B 3-4 1:12* fast 107 8 9 9 lOh 10«« Barnett
55923 Coney Island 97 5 1-2 £ fast 1:08 6 5 5 7' 7®J Baird
GOOD JULIA, b. f, 3, by Goodrich — Lady Algy (G. B. Dioguardi).
62305 Jamaica 5 1-2 f l:07g good 96 9 9 8 9* ll'"JNoone
62249 Jamaica 3-4 l:14g fast 103 13 9 9 11 11 J Taylor
58249 .Jamaica 109 3-4 fast 1:14210 10 10 10 10 Green
BRIGANTINE, b. f, 3, by Belvidere — Crucite (H. Rhodenherg).
6484.5 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:492 fast 107 11 9 9 12 i:; 13*"JMcFad’n
♦;3;m 0 Jirighton B 3-4 1:15* fast 110 15 15 12 12 12'*?ICnaack
63541 Coney Island 3-4 1:15 good 90 13 13 13 13 13'*JKnaack
SADLER, br. c, 3, by Sandringham — Aunt Betsy (L. 0. Appleby).
♦i.52ll Jaiiiai<*a 3-4 l‘-15* mud 110 6 4 5 5* 4‘"i:Brussel
.58174 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02 fast 110 10 7 7 7J 5* F O’Neill
58.161 Aque.iuct 5-8 1:02 fast 112 9 10 7 7J 7' F O’Neill
GUY MANNERING. ch. c, 3. by Horoscope — Ventnor (W. H. Kraft)
.5789 ’ \qucduct .5 1-2 f 1:072 fast 107 8 9 9 9 9 Creamer
.576*^2 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 95 2 5 6 6h 8* B Smith
Weight today 96.
Winning Hand, Clolsteress, Frills.
Macy Jr., Givonni Balerio, Runnels.
Mi.ssOgden, Win. Hand, Clolsteress.
6522S I.iitonia
6.5305 Latonia
65182 Latonia
ADARE, D. g,
64680 Windsor
64570 Windsor
3-4 1:14* fast 115 9 8 10 8' S®J VV' Gannon McCbord, Field Lark. King Peppei .
1 1:45* mud 104 12 1 1 2*> 4“J Lloyd Katie I’owers, Raviana. Red’riiistlc.
3-4 1:14 fast 108 1 2 3 4h 3*J Wishard Martius, Sorrel Top, Don Fon«io.
4, hv Watercress — La Primera (E. Corrigan). Weight today 119.
6 1-2 £ 1:22* fast 102 8 4 4 5J 6*J C H Shill’gLcft Guard, Conjuress, Sonnel.
7-8 1:27 fast 109 10 4 6 9 9J 10'®JKunz Sunny Brook, Reticent, Prestige.
CAMILLE, blk. f, B, by Streamer— Medica (W. A. Smith). Weight today 91.
6.5204 l.,utonia 3-4 l:17g mud 91 3 5 4 4'J 8'*JSwain SinuMi Kent. 'FnlKeggHn. Falkland.
65167 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:08* fast 104 8 7 7 6*» 8'*JSwain Solly M.. Sallie Sufer, Hereafter.
64981 Churchill D 5 1-2 £ 1:09 slow 100 5 4 2 5' 6® M Preston Re<lgauutlet, Gr. Larsen, VLOfficimis
9ELMUTH, b. a. 8. by Foul Shot— Instar (T. J. Nicol). Weight today 91.
64582 Douglas Pk 6-8 1:02* fast 108 11 11 11 11* ll'*JH I^arsen Sir Mincemeat, Jay Swift. Rothgeh.
64469 J,atonia 5 1-2 f 1:082 fast 107 6 6 6 6 6'® Seder Friendship, W.Griswoll, Elei'torine.
64454 I..atonia 6 1-2 f 1:082 fast 104J 5 2 2 4' 7'*JSeder Aveudow, Grandita, Orlandwlck.
EMMA V., ch. f, 2, by Gotham— Rustic II. (J. H. Baker). Weight today 91.
65229 latonia 5 1-2 f 1:09* fast 105 4 5 6 2Jr U Lloyd Buren Arnold, Veneto, Cullta.
65051 Churchill D 6 1-2 f 1:08* fast 95 7 8 7 7® 6‘-»J Lloyd Sainrida, Light Wwl, Jud. l.ouisc.
PLEBEIAN, h. g, 3, by The Com moner— Lollie Eastin (W. F. Knobelkamp). Weight toda.y 114.
6.5208 J.«itonia 3-4 l:17g mud 104J 7 7 11 10' 10*“ J H Pres’ nLieut. Rice, StellaElcbburg. Rnllubn.
61624 City Park 3-4 1:15 fast 109 12 12 12 12 11'* Farrow Goldway, Dr. Mack. Self Reliant.
61345 City Park 3-4 1:16 fast 94 6 1 6 14 14*^ Oregar Annie Berry, Pulque Dundall.
CORTEZ, hr. c, 3, by The Friar — Dictynna (W. Gerst). Weight today 114,
6.5246 J.,atonia 1 1 : 122 good 106 1 9 2 5 7J 8'^ Wishard Noel, Ingolthrift, Rnbj Light.
65193 I.,atonia 3-4 1:142 fnst 99 6 9 9 8' 7®J W Fischer Optional, liai son, Marco.
65059 Churchill D 3-4 1:15* fast 109 7 7 8 9* 8'* D Austin Airship, Bensonhurst, Miladl liove.
64801 Ky. S. Fair 3-4 l:18g mud 103 4 3 3 4' 4* A Andress Miss Anxious, Gallopoff, Orderly.
OLIVER, b. c, 3, by Orsini — Festal (H. Herendeen). Weight today 117.
6.5208 I>atonia 3-4 l:17g mud 107 4 8 6 6' 7” A’buchon I.ient. Rice. StellaEicbbmg. RuilobH.
65L56 Churchill D 1 1:46* hvy 103J 7 3 1 1 3' 3*J C Koerner Raviana, Per<*y Green. Kular.
650% Churchill D 1 1:41 fast 108 10 7 8 8 9' 9'* J Lee Auditor, Bellcview, Dudley.
BLYTHENESS, hr. g, 5, by His Highness — Nellie Bly (J. H. Shouldice). Weight today 119.
64856 Hamilton 6 1-2 f 1:08* fast % 10 10 9 9* 7*J F Burton .Scarfell, Oleasa, Baby Willie.
Mi.ssOgden, Win. Hand, Cloistcress. 65204 liUtonia 3-4 l:17g mud 91 3
Lady Prudence, Bluestone, Holscher 65167 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:08* fast 104 8
Weight today 90. t>4981 Churchill D 5 1-2 £ 1:09 slow 100 5
Sly Ben Saylor, Slickaway. 9ELMUTH, b. *. 8. by Foul Shot— Instar
VVfx>lwich, Donna, All Right. 64582 Douglas Pk 6-8 1:02* fast 108 11
Clovercrest, Firebrand, Miss Ogden. 64469 liatonia 5 1-2 f l:08g fast 107 6
Ladsarion, M. Point. J. Maher. 64454 liatonia 6 1-2 f l:08g fast 104J 5
imins VVfx>lwich, Donna, All Right.
•nett Clovercrest, Firebrand, Miss Ogden,
ird Ladsarion, M. Point. J. Maher.
uardi)t Weight today 95.
une Lord of the ForOst, Rye, Cassandra.
Taylor Larabie, Ocean Spray, Realm,
ien Tambeau, Vanguard, Swell Girl.
?). Weight today 95.
Lady Prudence, Bluestone. Holscher 61624 City Park
Suffrage, Tipping, Miss Ogden.
Azelina, V'arietes, Southern Cross.
Appleby). Weight today 113. 65246 J,atonia
Brussel .\llK*rt F., Cloisteres.s, Iloinelaiuler. 65193 I.iatonia
F O’Neill Nostroino, FkHazonde, It. Banastar. 65059 Churchill D
F O'Neill L. Hand, B. Banastar. Mel. Nominee 64801 Ky. S. Fair
H. Kraft). Weight today 95. DLIVER, b. c, 3
Creamer VV’aterwing. .Vnnetaliad.v, Sain.son. 6.5208 liatonia
B Smith Ingleside. Bribery, Nostroino. 65L56 Churchill D
HAMPTON LADY, ch. f, 3, by Bat hampton — Little Lady II. (W. H. McDerment).
64953 Brighton D
63721 Brighton B
62909 Brooklyn
62.553 Brooklyn
58424 Aqwreduct
CHANDOS, b. c,
65211 Jamaica
63S39 Brighton B
62612 Belmont Pk
♦(5211 Jamaica
♦.3S19 Brighton B
63<;T0 Brighton B
Weight today 90.
3-4 1:13 fast 104 5 2 2 6J 8***C’mmins Mis.sOgden, Win. Hand, Cloisteress.
1 1-16 1:48* good 105 2 8 10 10 13 13*® Koerner Ocean Spray, H^ra, McKlttredge.
Ab 3-4 1:10* last 90 11 11 12 12' 14*' Notter Right and True, Arklirta, Van -Ness.
Ah 3-4 1:11* fast 107 9 4 10 10' 12 C’mmins Brookdale, Nemesis, Chandos.
108 5-8 fast 1:02 8 10 9 10 10 R Murphy Swell Girl, Florazonde, Nel. Bum.
6.5208 Jiiitonia
61345 City Park
8' 7®J W Fischer Optional, Jiaj'son, Marcu.
9* 8'* D Austin Airship, Bensonhurst, Miladl liOve.
4' 4* A Andress Miss Anxious, Gallopoff, Orderly,
n). Weight today 117.
6' 7” A’buchon I.ient. Rice, StellaEicbbnrg. Ruiloha.
3' 3*i C Koerner Raviana, Percy Green. Kiilar.
9' 9'* J Lee Auditor, Bellcview, Dudley.
64793 Toronto
63898 Brighton B
3-4 1:13* fast 112 7
3-4 1:13 fast 105 11
11 12 12J 13'« W Knapp Woodsaw,
N. BumpiK), St. Noel. No Trumper.
by Rapallo — Mesaba (J. J. Hyland).
:;-l 1:15* mud lio 3 4' .5**lGarner
2- 4 1:12* fast 110 7 8 8 8^ 8'® J Martin
7-8 1:26 good 104 1 5 5 6 8 8** Wishard
3, by Jaquemart — Gliff (W. Cordes).
3- 4 1 :1.5* mud 107 in 9 ]n lfv« in'.J'M. Smith
1 1-16 1:47* slow 92 2
3-4 1:15* fast 110 10
Weight today 98. 65228 Latonia
All>ert F., Cloisteress, IlamelHuder. 6.5204 liatonia
Clovercrest. Firebrand. Miss Ogden. 65182 Latonia
Entree, Single Shot, Nemesis.
Weight today 90. SECOND
.Vlbert F.. Cloisteress, Ihnnelander.
TOBOGGAN, hr. g, 6, by Kingston— Glide (S. W. Streett).
3-4 1:14* fust 111 10
3-4 l:17| mud 119 6
3-4 1:14 fast 107 8
Azelina, Robin HikxI.
Weight today 122.
3 5* 5*J A’huchon .VltK’hord, Field Lark, King Pepiicr.
2 21* 2^ Mountain Simon Kent, Falkland, AralM>.
2 2' 6*J C H Shill’g.Martius, Sorrel 'Lop, Revolt.
SECOND RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds end upward.
(l::«»J--4— inn.)
3 4 8' 12*' McGov’rn Karl Rogers, Del more. Son. Belle.
8 10 10* 10'*JL Smith Suffrage, Tipping, Miss Ogden.
DR. YOUNG, b. c, 3. by Hart Wallace— Emma Hall (H. B. Hildebrand).
FOURTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. Sayville Stakes. 3-year-olds.
64921 Douglas J’k Ah 3-4 1 :15 mud 99 4
64866 Df»uglas Pk Ab 3-4 1:12* mud 103 10
6111.8 J.aAonla 3-4 1:16* hvy 95 12
Weight today 93.
3'J 3'J .4 Conley Nts*!. Balshot. Romping Girl.
Fell. J Conley He<*lor. Fxclleineni, Ph.ilanx.
7' 8”JJ Conley Sorrel Top, Inspector Girl, Bhide
650S0 Belmont Pk
BIVOUAC, ch. f, 3. by Hastings — lelinda (A. Belmont). Weight today 106.
♦i .r.s Jamal' a 1 1-16 J :49J slow "'i 3 2 3 3 3 ::''(”mmins Orilcne. Lady Savoy.
♦.5141 I’k 11:39’^ fast 97 5 3 3 3!* 3*J Jas I len’syConsisient, I’.i.l*. Keane, ( ’cdcrslromc
♦;v»94 Belmont Pk 1 1:38* fast 92 1 1 1 1 2'J Jas Hcn syOrllene, Cederstrome. Guiding Star.
3, by Atheling — Mias Doone (Milltown Stable). Weight today 101.
::-4 l:14g good II2 3 3 3 3- 3’ W Miller .Monet, V'oorhees, Bryan.
6 1-2 f 1:18* fast 102 7 9 9 9 9*“JW Miller Oxford. Ben Ban. Brookdale Nymph
1 1:39 fast 109 4 a 5 5 5* 4* L WilliamsHot Toddy, Security, Pater.
3. by Meddler— Hessie (Mr. Lee). Weight today 100.
11-10 1:49 good UK) 4 0 5 4 46 4' Horner V’lSing Davis. ('irMn. Sweep, J • Lyle.
1 1-16 1:47* slop 9S I 4 4 4 4“ 4'® Horner B.«»ll*i*quest. L..T. Ilaynian. .\lhlete.
V/. W. PIERCE, ch. g, 3, by Aloha— Avola (J. Everman).
• 17<)l W indsor
6 46.V; "Wind-sor
61'i66 Wind.sor
1 1-16 1:47* fast m 3 8
6 1-2 f 1:228 fast 96 11
1 1:42* fast 102 9
♦;v»94 Belmont Pk 1 1:38* fast 92
ATHLETE, h. c, 3, by Atheling — Mi?
r,52'd .lamaiea 3-4 1:14* good 112
♦i5PV. Belmont Pk 6 1-2 f 1:18* fast 102
WATER LAKE, b. c, 3. by "What-er — lou — Queen's Lake (F. Drawc).
1 1 :39 fast 109
NEMESIS, ch. f, 3. by Meddler — Hessie (Mr. Lee).
♦V)''«i2 Jamaica 11-10 1:49 good UK) 4 0 5 4 46 4' Horner
»2^4>44 lielmont Pk 1 1-16 1 :47* slop 9S I 4 4 4 4- 4'® Horner
648.32 Brooklyn l 1-16 1 :48i fust 115 0 7 4 4 4J .1=J Horner
WES. br. g. 3, by Inverness — Saute use (F, E. Brown),
i;;.';:: Jamaica 1 1 - !6 1 :4TS go..d mo 2 2 2 l 2 2- Finn
Jumuiea 3 4 1 :13S .‘'low m2 4 4 .3 3' biim
U5128 Belmont Pk 1 1:37* fast 102 4 4 3 L IJ I'Jbinn
RYE. b. 0, 3, by Greenan — Degenerate (C. D. Sullivan),
o:'237 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:47* good 105 I 1 1 1* P W Mil
«6i;j8 Jamaica 2-4 1:13* slow K)0 2 3 4 1' IJ W Mil
650W Belmont Pk 8-4 1:13* mud 104 8 8 8 8 8” C’mmir
2 2® I'Inn
3' Finn Rye, Jaeuhlie. Rnsk.
IJ I'J Finn Grapple. Security. Bd Ball,
livan). Weight today 113.
1* 1® VV' Miller IV'es.
1' IJ W Miller .Jacobite. VVes. Rnsk.
8 8” C’mmins ITlnce Hamburg, Rusk, Oaklawn.
Yiwing Davis. Chiin. Sweep, J. Lyle.
B.ollVquest. L..T. Ilaynian. .\lhlcte.
Lady Savoy, .Vloonshlnc, Slnglc.Shot.
Weight today 101.
6.i:U4 liatonia 3-4 1:10* good lOo 15 15 15 15 15'“ \
64182 J^tonia 7-8 1:28 fast 101 8 9 9 8 8* 8'" Scoville
61816 Crescent Pk 1 1:42* fast 95 14 14 14 10 8J 6' D Riley
61652 Crescent Pk Im 20y 1:44 fast 100* 9 11 12 12 11* 11'* L Jones
BELDEN, br. e. 8, by Handspring — Allie Belle (J. Gass).
6.5004 (’hurch ill D 11:41 101 1 6 Ixist rider.
C4%5 (’hurchill D. 1 1 :45i slow loxj 1 G 0 5* 3=J I
nan). Weight today 98.
' 0” B DavLs Geo, Vivian, Sine Belle. Prestige.
J 9"J (? H ShiirgBaby Willie, George Perry, .Vlhiila.
J 5'J B Davis Redondo, l^eft Guard, .Mamie Etta,
ike (F. Drawc). Weight today 101.
15'“ W’strand Lighthurn, Dresden, .Magic.
• Scoville Oddoletta, R. Thistle, 'HieOnly W’ay.
D Riley l>eshOu, Ternus. Banposal.
* L Jones Docile, Dapple Gold, Red Raven.
»)• Weight today 101.
W McIn’reG. Mineral. Brait. 'I'he Only Way.
J Nicol Inspector Girl. Lazell, Sand Bath.
64t;79 l»miglas Pk 1 l:45g hvy 99 1 7 7 7 5'J 3*J JO Perrett Prolous, Bitter Uand. Bani>osal.
cENIAN, ch. h. 6, by St. Leonards — Helena (P. T. Weir). Weight today 107.
4‘71.3 IKnigias Idi Ah 3-4 lilwil fast l«i9 11 I2 10 10' 9®J 1) V'ititoe La«ly Flhcl. Nona W’., Vo .*4uri,
64460 latonia 1 1:41* fust lUSjIO 0 7 11 ll"*li"“JD V’ititoe Rod Thlsllc, .Moreudo. .Miliidi l.ove.
MAGGIE MACKEY, ch. f. 4. by Pirate of Penzance— Emerald (Schwenk A Judge ). Weight today 107.
04324 FOrt Erie 3-4 1:13* good 100 7 4 4 10 10«J Moreland Sharp Boy. Raimlauee. Nervator.
04091 Fort Erie 5 1-2 f 1:09* mud 107 4 1 1 1* 2= J Lee Mafalda. The Pet. Orfeo.
63832 Fort Erie 3-4 1:16 fast 102 4 4 4 8* 8®* Helgesen Clique, Henry Ach, Orfeo.
63632 Fort Erie 3-4 I--U| fast 9$ 5 8 10 9* 9" Hudlin Alsono, Sheen, Sharp Boy.
3-4 l;r>* good 100
5 1-2 f 1:09* mud 107
3-4 1:16 fast 102
3-4 l-i4| fast 98
THE LAUREL, b. m» 9, by Tourn ament— Lucille (J.
KatoTifa 11;12gfast « fi fi 7
eTilH4 T^tonia 1 1-16 1 :4S fast I 04 3 7 8
64486 l^tonla 1 1:«4 fast 107 8 5 «
ARABO, ch. g, ft by Nomad — Charm (T. D.
«:.20| H I 1:17| miul 123 7 7
6.'.066 Belmont Pk 7-S 1:29 fast 9:5 11 11 10
C4390 Sai-atogra 7-8 1:29 slop 111 4 6 6
8TEVE LANE, ch. c. 8, by Oifanteum— Dal (J,
64856 Hamilton 5 1-2 f 1:^4 fast 9.1
64.511 Windsor
64492 Windsor
D ORMONT, hr. c, 3.
6.1201 laitonia
TmISO lAtonia
6.51.59 Churchill D
THE MATE. b. 0. 3,
65217 l.«itonia
60I.84 Uatonia
651.56 Churchill D
6.1221 l..atonia
64990 Hamilton
M44.1 Wimlsor
aUINCY, blk. g,
57214 l.Atonia
57177 I^itonia
57:!06 l^itonia
5719.1 I.4itonia
6S677 l^tonia
6L’840 I.,atonia
66678 I^tonia
7.8 l:2Si fast 105 6 1 2
3-4 1:13 fast 100 6 6
by Mont d*Or — My Baby (Oots Bros).
3-4 l;l7|t mud 114 10 9 7 6^ 7«3 j
3-4 1:144 fast 97 1.5 1.1
3-4 1:17fhvy 114 13 12
3, by First Mate — The Chough (W. A. Smith).
1 1:454 slow 99 8 12 11 7 6- 7'*4 Sivain
1 1-16 1:48 fast 9S 6 5 7 12 12 12” Swain
1 1:46| hvy 101 3 9 6 5 4J 6*4 Swam
e. 4. by Handsel — Sweet Too (L. L. Lamar).
1 1-16 1:514 slow 105 ? 5 5 5 5* 4H A’buchon
7-S 1:28 fast 102 ----- -
1 1 :414 fast 100 1
E. Richardson), Weight today 10*7.
7"iK Kinney Klliolt. Ue«l Thistle, 16m Kanso.
9 6h 7“~K Kinney Hold. MiiKTal. Oheroii, KnowletK'e.
7 81 9’»4G Taylor Ucd Thistle, Morciulo, Mil.idi Ix»ve.
Sullivan). Weight today 110.
8 7=* 4^4 Wishard Slimm Kent, Tolwiggan. Falkland.
10 lOJ 10‘< Reidcl (Jambrimis, Heutschland. Kuuuels.
8 81 9”JW Knapp Bertha E., Broadcloth. Phalanx.
F. Baker). Weight today 98.
7 7' 8>®iR Head Searfcll. Olensa, Baby Willie.
4 12 ll* Wishard tV>nde, UeulHm, Birmingham.
Goldniate, La Gloria, Peter Paul.
Weight today 98.
Simon Kent, Toboggan, Falklaml.
15 Pulled up.CHShill’KBellt<Kme. Nun’s Veiling. Lldwlna.
8 66 6* W Gannon Tolsigglin, Clifton Foige, Falklaml.
7 7»»SC Baker
Weight today 101.
Gladiator. Intenst*, Baring.
Gold. .Mineral, Oheron, knowledge
Raviana, Percy Green. Oliver.
Weight today 105.
Fonsolnca, Relmumler. .Toe Coyne.
7 8 8 8* 7®J C H ShlirgGayAdelaide. Plantagenet, Ma'falda
11 11 11 11 10’3 C H ShlirgCholk Hedrick, Gay Boy. J. Garner.
6, by Burlington — Mattie Amelia (L. Nobel)
Im .50v 1:514 hvy 96 S 7 8 7 ,S- 8'- G’dchild
7 1-2 f 1:43 mud 97 2 3 3 5 5‘ 7'®iG’dchild
6, by Kantaka — Racemede (H. Leachman).
1 3-4 good 129 3 4 2 2 Fell. McClain
S C 3:004 hvy 128 3 2 4 4 4‘‘ 5==5McClain
b. c, 4, by Maceo— Her Favor (J. B. Respess)
2 2
8 9
4 4
1 1:41 4’ fast 104 4
3-4 1:144 fast 104 9
no 1 hvy 1:45 2 3
HANDY BILL, oh. o. 4. by Handspring— BiUetta (J.
652.31 I.atonia 7-S l :28g fast 114 7 7 9 10 10
Churchill D 1 1-4 2:08 fast 110 2 1 3 8 9=
64iH>l Churchill D. 1 1-8 l:58g slow 106 4 7 8 9 9
3* Trcubcl
7*4 Van' bout
4‘* Van’ bout
R. TaylorV
lo-^rr Taylor
8** Nicol
Weight today 107
Dungaimoii, DannlH*. .liniTyrrell.
Apple, Sister Lillinii, .lim Tyrrell.
Weight today 107.
.7. Bozeman. Poorlands. W’<lsPerry
New.\msterdam, Mr. Rose, Ony.xII.
Weight today 107.
Mill Song, Dr. McCluer, Cashier.
Fortunate, Roscoe. Usury.
Dr. Wang, Ara, Beecher.
Weight today HO
D.arlhula, St. Noel. Bernie Cramer.
Morendo, Inlhimmable, Mae ii.vmh.
Joe Lesser.
925|J McCrthyG. Mineral, Chamblee,
THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. (1:121 — 3 — 100.)
WABASH, hr. g,
652lh» l.atonia
64967 Hamilton Ab 2 4:234 fast
64927 Hamilton 3-4 1:18 hvy
■TONER HILL, b. 0, 3. b.v Orlando
6,:.21S I.,atnnia
»Vi219 I.Atonia
6TdS0 l.atqnia
64706 Windsor
H. L. FRANK, ch.
6264.”, Memidiis
61990 Memphis
61943 Memphis
C1799 Oaklawn
6.521.8 I.iitonia
6.5<»97 Churchill D
6.^.073 Churchill D
3, by Falsetto — Princess Osra (S. T. White). Weight today 94.
Ab 13 3.:36g slow 1.32 7 Ran out. B Russell Lady .Tocelyn, Frank Me. Plea.
133 5 5 3 2 2>5 2«® J Murphy
105 1 4 3 3* Ih Skobel
—Hanna Bell (J. Everman).
3-4 1:144 good 97 5 5 4 0* 5^ Swain
3-4 1:16 slow 100 4 5 3 3= Ih Swain
3-4 1:144 fast 109^0 5 4 41 5« Nicol
7-8 1:2S| fast 103 10 10 10 11 9‘ 9^ B Davis
g, 5. by Mariner — Plumeria (J. O’Toole),
5-8 1:02J fast 109 2 4 6 6^ 5*^ J
4 1:152 fast 111 5 4 5 5 5« J
3-4 1 :1.5i fast 111
3-4 1:121 fast 113
Knohhampton. Goldenway, BlllKMTy
Hantliorne, Kamerun, LadyStewart.
Weight today 97.
Pretension, St. Joseph. Hector.
St. Joseph, Marvel P., Fair Calypso
Bollt<M)ne, Nun’s V’eiling, Lidwina.
Don Fouso, Orderly, Iletleent.
Weight today 99.
McL’hlinllcutselilaml, Haughty, Burleigh.
McL’hlinJ. Sinulskl, Deutschland, Burlei:
5* 4®i J McL’hlinDcut.schland, Burleigh, Invincible.
1* 14 J McL’hlInMartius, Lady VashtI, San Priino.
f. 4, by Faraday — Ethel T. (J. B. Respess). Weight today 99.
5 1-2 f l:08g slow 111 7 6 4 ,5J 5* Nicol .Salvage, Prince Briitna. Ingolthrift.
3-4 1:13 fast 102 5 3 4 4^ 42J C Koerner IMatoon, Garrett Wilson, L. Esther.
2 f 1:07 fast 110 2 3 3 14 1= Nicol Mansard, French Nun, Mum.
3. by Riley — Clara White (M. J, Da^). Weight today 94.
S-4 1 :144 good 94 3 4 5 4* 2=* J Carroll Pretension, IIect<»r. Nonie Lucille.
3-4 1:16 slow 97 5 4 2 Ih 2^ J Carroll Stoner Hill^ Marvell*., FairCalypso.
Meadowbr’ze, Funiculalre.Froiitenac
Wes, Yazd, Penrhyn,
Weight today 99.
Reticent, Lady _ Lavish, Tapiola.
5 1
[9 I^atonia
65169 Churchill D 3-4 1:13| fast 91 4 5 7 7« 8**T.J Carroll
6.3713 Salem 7-8 1:264 fast 117 3 2 3 4 4^ 4**4J Daly
LORD DIXON, blk. c, 4, by Sir Dixon — Repeat (A. Fennell).
fd626 ('ity Park 7-S l:28g fast 103 4 1 1 1 1^® I4 Harrigan
61.530 City Park 3-4 1 :1. 52 fast 103 2 3 4 3^ 2‘4 Oregar
61469 City Park 5 1-2 f 1:09 slow' 101 5 2 2 2>»k 02 Oregar
WEE LASS, ck. t. 8, by Albert — Scotch Luaie (Hall A MarshalD-
65219 I.nton!a 3-4 1:16 slow 102 6 3 4 44 5i®4Moreland
6,52«>7 Latonia 3-4 l:15g imid 95 4 4 4 4 4*4 Moreland
65169 Churchill D 3-4 1:13| fast 97 6 4 5 5® 5»4 Moreland
Clifton Forge, Fox Hunting, Clique,
Prestige, Gold Monk. Harvest Time.
Weight today 99.
Stoner Hill, St. .Joseph, Marvel I*.
.Martha Gorman. Hector, Marvel I*.
Meadowbr’ze, Funiculaire.Frontemic
MEADOWBREEZS b. o. 8, by M eadowthorp»— lU Wind fJ. Arthur)
65179 I^topia
65169 Churchill D
65122 Churchill D
Weight today 107.
5 1-2 f 1:0611 fast 113 4 4 2 2t» 8* C Morris G. Wilson, T.Clansman, LadyEsUier.
3-4 1:13| fast B)6 2 II H IH C H Shill’gFunlculaire, Frontenac, UsuVv.
3-4 1:13 fast 98 2 1 1 1® C H ShiirgMiltiades, Envoy, Goldniate.
FOURTH RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (1;.304 — 4 — 100.)
ANNIE BERRY, oh. f, S, by Aloha— Annie L. (J. McLennan*. Weight today 93.
65233 Ijatonia 1 1:42!? fast 89 10 10 8 8 8^ 8**4Goldstein Elliott. Red Thistle. Don Fonso.
65193 Latonia 3-4 l;14g fast 94 5 8 8 7»* 6® Goldstein Optional, I,.ays^m, Marco.
64756 Toronto 1 1-8 l:54g fast 92 10 7 12 12 94 10^4 Goldstein BlueBuck, Cambridge, Reservation.
NOEL, hr. c, 3, by Governor Foraker — Clara Meader (Martin & West). Weight today 98.
6,5216 I>atonla 1 1:42^ good 103 7 5 4 1 2^ In p Burton Ingolthrift, Ruby Light Athena.
65196 Latonia 1 1:41J| fast 93 4 5 5 3 44 5* Swain Ferronlere, Sin. Belle, Lady Ethel.
65148 Churchill D 1 1-16 1:.504 mud 1004 8 6 6 8 8* 12” P Keyes Anna Day. Joe Coyne, Crowsbade.
65112 Churchill D 1 3-8 2:20| fast 93 1 2 4 7 7« 7”4Moreland Elliott, Anna Day. Mae Lynch.
3, by Trentola — Paoli (J. T. Combs).
1 l;42g good 105 Ix^ft at the post. D Austin
1 l:44il good 115 4 3 1 1 Ink D
1 1-16 1:488 fast 114 6 4 5 4 4= U D
1 1:448 mud 96 6 6 6 6 64 5® Griffith
ANTIBIA, ch. f, 3, by Bob Miles — Ameeras (T. D. Forsythe).
65136 Churchill D 1 l:41g 95 10 II 13 l.'i 13 13” Griffith
54839 Louisville 4 1-2 f 552 fast 104 11 12 12 1P«4T Banks
HAPPY JACK n., b. c, 4, by Halma — Sally Ban (J. Arthur)
65157 Churchill D 1 l:46fc hvy 110 1 3 8 " "
63847 Latonia 3-4 1:164 slow 111 6 8
63405 Ijitonia
TRENOLA, ch. <
65246 Latonia
60999 City Park
6<ik3S City Park
60743 City Park
6475.3 Ky. Fair
64.382 Latonia
64317 latonia
C4296 latonia
■T. NOEL. b. r.
6.5231 Ijatonia
64979 Churchill D
64942 Loui.svillc
65221 Latonia
648,57 Hamilton
64793 Toronto
65130 Churchill D
65096 Churchill D
Weight today 101.
Noel, Ingolthrift, Ruby Light,
Austin Capt. Busli. Begonia, Cloveriiook.
Austin Woggle Bug, Gleuclare, Libation.
Goldie, Delphie, Bertha B.
Weight today 102.
Shining Star, High Bear. .Martins.
LadyCarol, Problem. Spend. Helen.
Weight today 105.
11 11 H2» C Koerner St. Tamman.v, Rolla, Lansdown.
6 34 3** Nicol Mint Boy, Principia, Lansdown.
I 1:441 hvy 103 1 4 4 4 4 * 4«4 Treubel St.George.Jr.. B.Cartpr.J.P.M’yh’rv
6, by Counter Tenor — Onlight (T. Sayers). Weight today 107.
ll:42gfast 106 2 IMl 11 11* 11*^W McIn’reBcllcviow, Easy Street. Talamund,
1 1 :40 fast 103 6
1 1:43 good 109 4
1 1-8 2:00g mud 102 4
6, by St. George — Nan
7-8 I;28g fast 115 1 2 3 2
3-4 1:17 slow 104 8 7 4
3-4 1:18 hvy 102 4 4 4
f, 4, by Pessara —Rebound (G.
1 1-16 1:5U slow 169 2 111
1 1-8 1:551 fast 95 1 3 2 1
1 1-8 1:53J rast 99 4 2 2 3
3, by Jack Point — Amyntaa (W. H. Robinson).
1 1:424 fast 105 6 7 8 6 4‘ 3* A’buchon
1 1:41 fast 105 4 3 3 3 4h 5* Mountain
6 6 6 54 6”4E Rice
7 5 5 9* 9»®|B Rice
11 1 Ih 2n E Rice
'J. U. Strode).
2 2 2 2* 2' 4 Moreland
7 4 54 554 F Keyes
4 4 44 4'«JF Keyes
Hendrie) .
64638 Douglas Pk Im 20y l:44g fast 110 5 2 3 3 3*4 12 D Boland
RUBY RIGHT, b. f, 3, by Star Ruby— Right (J. H. Woodford).
6.5216 Latonia 1 l:42g good 102 5 6 6 3 3* 3*4 Moreland
66192 I>atonia 1 1:40| 98 10 7 8 8 S' 11=®4F Keyes
6.5664 Churchill D 11-16 1:48 fast 95 1 1 3 7 8* 8'* Swain
64923 Douglas Pk Ab 3-4 1:134 mud 1054 5 6 6 54 6»® Seder
DARING, b. c, 3, by Jean Bereaud — Intrepid (£. J. Gildersleeve) .
65217 I.Atoni.a 1 1:454 slow 10f» 2 4 4 2
65195 Ijatonia 3-4 l:14i( fast m 5 6 5
65144 Cburchill D 3-4 1:144 mud 1054 7 6 6 4* 3* Mountain Harding,
SUZANNE ROCAMORA. ch. f. 4. by Fkraudole— Custance (J. H. Baker)..
651 3<i Churchill I)
65111 Cliurchill D
6.V»83 Churchill I>
69888 CrosccTit Pk
69f»38 Crescent Pk
69140 Crescent Pk
65251 Latonia
65196 Ijatonia
65148 Churchill D
651‘23 Churchill D
ALBULA, ch. h, 8.
65192 Latonia
64990 Hamilton •
64950 Hamilton
1 l:41g fast 99 9 12 11 12 10* 10* Lloyd Shining Star, High Bear, .Martins,
1 l:41g 104 8 3 2 1 24 3*4 Lloyd B. Brown. Iha-lh*. The Only Way
1 1:42 fast 107 6 1 4 3 24 2* W Fischer Lady Ethel, Intense, Docile,
b. g, 4, by Hammon — Silver Ban (S. L. Coleman). Weight today 107.
113 1 good 1:454 9 7 7 9 8 ' 8® Keyes Paul. RInnoek, Winifred A.
113 1 1-16 slow 1:514 7 12 12 11 10* 10** S Dickson Small Lady, Intrigue, Shiinpike.
97 5 1-2 f hvy 1:14 13 15 15 15 15**4Keyes llyaclnlh. Sea Voyage. Fallona.
bv Handsome — Sincerity (Jf- D
NINOT, b. c, 8. hr Lamplighter— Ms rchme (O. Holle).
t.T.1 47 Churchill I) .5 1-2 f 1 mud 1 12 3 2 2 4* I
64944 lj(.ui8villc 5 1-2 f 1:11 hvy 109 4 1 1 1* 1
64S85 Douglas Pk 6 1-2 f 1:114 hvy 109 6 3 2 3* 2
64S36 Douglas I’k 3-4 1:154 good 104 ^ 5 6 7k
STEERFORTH, ch. c, 2, by Princo of Monaco — Diccy.
First start.
GRIFTEN, ch. c, 2, by Griffon — Be ssie, by Ill-Used.
First start.
Postman, Red Thistle, Strotid.
TheKug’man, R.Thistlo, Toboggan.
Piller. Plautus. Swiftwing.
Weight today 107.
Darthula, Ber.Cramer.JndgeTrayiior
Agnes Virginia, Toboggan, Allistu.
Marvel P., Matador, Tarp.
Weight today 114.
2^ 23 W Fischer Fonsoluea, Joe Coyne, Jim Beattie.
IJ Ink Bilac Factotum, Oratoriati, Australiua.
3nk 444 c H Shill’gSir Ralph, Blue Buck, Request.
Weight today 98.
lladur, Insp. Girl, II. of Hyacinth.
Auditor, Bolleview, Dudley,
G. Mineral, The O. Way, Malleable
Weight today 98,
Noel. Ingolthrift. Athena.
Nat B., Albtila, Ostcriiian.
Golden .Mineral, Postman, Docile.
Lady Carol, Sonny. Orfeo.
Weight today 101.
34 3* W Fi.scher Gladiator., Lans<h>wn.
4* 3*4 C H Shill’gFreni'h Nun, King Pej)per. Posing
Miss Ijec<ls, Matador.
Weight today 102.
Weight today 107.
1 1-16 1:.504 gofxl Vi:t 5 7 7 7 4* 2" D Boland Oratorian, Fonsolnca, (iraimda.
1 l:41g fast 1044 7 8 8 7 2* 2*4 Mountain P>rrohiere, I.ady Ethel. DanceMiisic
1 1-16 1 :.504 mud 104 6 8 9 10 7* 6'®4W Fischer Anna Day, .lop Coyne. Crowshaue.
7-8 1:28 fast 107 11 12 11 9 9* 6* W Fischer Harding, Clifton Forgo, Revolt,
by Worcester — Annisette (Sherman & Bailer). Weight today 110.
1 1:40| fast 105 4 2 3 2 2* 2* D Boland Nat B.. Osterman. (Gadiator.
7-8 1:28 fast 107 5 2 4 4 4*4 B Davis GayA«lelahle. l*Iantagenet. Mafalda
1 1:434 good 105 9 7 5 5 5* 6®4 Truman .Merry George, Lit. Red, MissGaiety
FIFTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. (1:00-
HATTIE RODMAN, hr. f, 2. by Handsome— Belle Black (W. A. Smith). Weight today 92,
6:.22t* Ijatonia 5 1-2 f 1:094 fast 105 2 2 2 3* 6* Swain Emma V., Buren .\niohl, Veneti
MONERE, h. c, 2, by Bowling Brook or Sorcerer — Wary (J. McCIernand). Weight today 96.
65206 Ijatonia 5 1-2 f l:10jj mud 10<> 7 5 6 9* 10** W Fischer .Tolm Kniifiunn. Grandita, Elksino.
65181 Ijatonia 5 1-2 f l:07g fast 99 11 12 12 12 12**4T Taylor roinDolan, Beaut. .Mayo, .I.Kaufma
64,999 Churchill D 5-8 1:004 fast 105 8 5 5 15* 15*® A’buchon Laura E., Nedra, .Tohn Kaufman.
ELANCER, b. f, 2, by Wagner — Fairoun (J. H. Baker). Weight today 97.
6.52:« Ijatonia 3-4 1 :143 fast 96 8 6 10 I04 ll»«4Lloyd
63121 Churchill D 3-4 1:144 fast 94 2 1 1 6* 7* Lloyd
LEXOLINE, blk. c, 2, by Lackford —Mettle 0. (J. McDonald).
♦k52:r* Latonia 3-4 1:148 fast 103 3 2 1 I4 14 Foy
65183 Latonia 3-4 1:1.38 fast 95 2 2 2 2* 2* T Taylor
64315 Latonia 5 1-2 f 1:08| good 110 5 4 5 5* 4*4 Obert
D&UIEN, ch. c, 2, by Meadowthorpe— Merry Wanderer (S. Hudson).
652;t2 Ijatonia 3-4 1:148 102 12 12 12 12* 12»«4F Keyes
64A5R Douglas Pk 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 104 8 9 9. 9* 9*«4E Rice
64.564 Douglas Pk 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 108 10 8 10 10‘«10” Hoffler
CRAFTY, hr. c, 2, by Silver Fox— Lilita II. (W. S. Price).
6.5191 Ijatonia 3-4 1:15 fast 106 4 4 3 24 24 Mountain
65143 Churchill D 5 1-2 f 1:084 good 103 13 14 14
6.5099 Churchill D 3-4 1:14 fast 97 11 10 10
I.exoline. Tanager. Grace Kimball
MissOfficious, L.Conductor. F. Fagot.
Weight today 100
Tanager. Gr. Kimball. J. Kaufman
Still Alarm. Chase. Della Tbori>e.
Bonart, Webber, Harold D.
Weight today 100.
Lexoliiie. Tanager, <lrace Kimball
Bitter Miss, TlmothyWen, Mediant
Demo, Warner Gris well, Quagga
Weight today 101,
Tanager, The Golden Bird. Ouardi
14 14*" C Koerner Solly .M., Malta, Miss Martha.
9* 8^4 R Harris Chase, Bitter Miss. Zii»ango.
Weight today 112.
•I" W (Salmon M.Gtliclons. LiglU.rond'riin.F. Fagot
14 A’biichon Chase. Western, 'rfinolhy Wen.
2’ Cal»u*» Miss Officlmis, Boserrian. .lacomo.
8’ Moreland Zlpaiigo, Plausible, Tlmotliy Wen.
Weight today 95.
Weight today 95.
SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (1:1.’»6— 4 lOL)
OURAL, b. c, 3,
192 Ijatonia
6612U tffiurchlll D
62314 Memphis
6.5246 Latonia
64453 Ijatonia
4314 Latonia
64237 Latonia
;.5221 Latonia
66184 Ijatonia
64969 Hamilton
by Orsini — Josie K. (M. E. McHenry)
1 1:464 fast 96 8 .5 9 "
1 1:424 fast 108 3 5 7
5 1-2 f 1 :094 fast 107 9 8
8, by Libertine— Makawa (J.
1 1:428 good 102 I^ft at
3-4 1:158 107 12 8
3-4 1:164 good 105 10 8
7-8 l:29g slow 109 12 12 10
g. 6. by Filigra no— Minorva
9* ' G‘"4Ijloyd
8 11* 10**4L> Boland
8 7* 7*4 A’buchon
V. Smith),
the i*ost. F Keyes
8 10*4 8*® Seder
10 12* 12'» Trcubel
12 12* 12*» Seder
(J. H. Bhonldica)
1 1-16 1:51| slow 102 4 4 4
11-16 1:48 fast 104 4 3 3
1 1-2 2:35| fast 94 3 2 2
MINT SAUCE, b. h, 10, by Minting — Jennie B.
64847 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:15 fast 119 12 10
64204 Fort Erie 5 1-2 f 1:088 fast 107 11 10
60590 City Park 6 1-2 f 1:224 fast 105 1 ^
LIDDON, b. 0, 4, by Wadsworth— Tern II. (T. F. Morris).
62409 Ijouisville 1 1-16 1:514 fast 103 7 9 8 6 6* 6® W Allen
62332 Louisville 1 1-16 1:484 good 110 3 5 4 3 6* 6*® Nfcol
62274 Louisville 1 1-16 l:49g slow 109 7 7 8 10 11 IP® Nicol
ELLIOTT, ch. h, 6, by Racine— Aur eiia II. (M. J. Daly).
65233 LiUon la 1 1:428 fast 114 2 6 5 5 4*4 1*4 J Daly
65146 Churchill D 2 3::i4g mud 110 3 1 3 3 4*® 4"*4.I Daly
65112 Churchill D 1 3-8 2:208 fast 109 3 4 2 1 1* 1*4 J Daly
L.UTIE MAC, b. t, 3. by Ogden — Pocahontas (Oots Bros.).
6.5209 Latonia 1 1-lG 1:514 mud 98 4 2 2 2 2>» 2‘ ’
65184 Ijatonia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 95 12 10 10 8 8* 6*
Weight today 06.
Nat B., .Vlhiiln, Osterman.
ilttdur, Insiieciw Girl, .Mimiehalia .
Search Me, Little Red, Operator.
Weight today 99.
Noel. Ingolthrift. Uuiiy Light.
RiihyRight, MiladiLove, M. Johnson.
Lightburn, Dresden. .Magic.
Orline, Sea Mate, Self Reliant.
Weight today 102.
Fonsolnca, Rcl)onnder, Joe Co.vne.
Gold..Mineral,Obcron. Mo<-casiii.Mahl.
BlueBuck, Reservation. Factotum.
Weight today 102.
S. IlntTman, Bensouhurst. Sonny.
124 12‘® C H ShiirgGallithoa, P.Flowor II., Broad. Girl.
7 7*"JB Davis Suz. Rocamora, Brnshton. Foreigner
Weight today 105.
The Englishman, lole, Ucvellh*.
Keynote, Bradley’s Pet. Padre.
Elliott. The Englishman. Rotk*e"f-
Weight today ill.
Red Thistle, Don Fonso. Manfred.
MissRillie, MnmicAIgoI, Inflammaldc
Anna Day, .Mae Lynch. Inllammaldc
Weight today 96.
W Fi.scher Bosttrling, Postman. Sanction.
C H Shill’gGold. Mineral, Oheron, Knowlcilge.
466® Huestis
4 4* 3*4 Huestis
6 6 5** Huestis
(J. Queenaji).
10 10 92 • D Boland
_ _ Mineral, Oheron
65148 Churchill D 1 1-16 1:504 mud 102 11 10 7 5 6*4 4**4J Lee Anna Day, Joe Coyne, Crowshailc.
PENTAGON, ch. f, 8, by Octagon — Mischief (G. Howard). Weight today 99.
65246 Latonia 1 1 :428 good 105 4 3 7 10 Snk 7** W Fischer Xo«‘l, Ingolthrift. Ruby Light.
1 1:418 fast 96 12 9 8 8 9® ll**4Moreland Whippo<nwill. Ben Sliaw. Sanction.
1 1:398 fast 92 8 8 7 5 4* 4^ Moreland Bryan, The Borglan, Chanida.
5, by Halma — Jessie Lee B. (F. Gering, Jr.). Weight today* 102.
1 1:428 good 111 6 7^ 6 4* 4* W Gannon N(x*l. Ingolthrift. Rul»y IJglit.
11:42 fast 107 7 10 *9 7 S* 8* W MeInt’reLady Ethel, S. Ro<*uim*ra, inlcnsi*.
11-16 1:48 fan 1124 9 8^8 6 6* 6* W Gannon Golden Mineral. Postman. Docile.
6 6* 3*4 W Gannon Missouri I^ad, Dudley, Laronc.
Magee). Weight today 102.
10 9* 9** D Boland Optional, Ijayson. Mar<*o.
9 9* 6'® Wishard Belltoone, Nun’s Veiling. Lidwina.
5 4k 6”*Morlarlty Red Thistle, Morendo, .Miladi Loc,
lERNIE CRAMER, b- c, 4, by Bob Miles or King Lee— Zerida (H. J. Harris). Weight today 108.
65231 Ijatonia 7-S 1:2S8 fast 111 2 10 8 5 31 3*1 Mountain Darthula, St. Noel, .Indge Traviior
65192 Latonia 1 1:4<'4 102 7 9 7 6 6J 5»» W Fischer Nat B., Albula, Osterman.
64455 Latonia 1 1"8 1:558 fast 109 2 8 7 6 11^ 10*’4W B’hanan Athena, Morendo, Bolleview.
JETSAM, blk. c, 4, by Buck Massie — Castana (Mrs. G. Borkel). Weight today 111.
64781 Brooklyn Im 70y 1:454 good 106 15 15 11 11 11* 8‘® W Miller Flyback, Bragg. Luckett.
60430 City Park 104 1 1-16 fast 1 :474 6 4 4 4 6* 6*4 W McIn'reGilfain. The Gleam, Rian
60127 City Park 100 Im 70y fast 1:458 2 9 9 4 4* 4* Ashw’rth Bon Mot, Daring. Granada.
650SS Churchill D
64647 Windsor
4THENA, br.
6.5246 Latonia
65083 Churchill D
65064 Churchill D
65040 Churchill D
JEHANE, ch. p,
65193 Ijatonia
65180 Ijatonia
64486 Ijatonia
1 1-16 1:48 fan 1124 9
1 1-16 1:488 111 4 6 7
•, by Wawekus— Bink (T. M.
3-4 1:148 fast 104 11 10
3-4 1:144 fast 10.34 6 9
1 1:414 fast 107 9 3 4
Rk'lmioiid Handicap, .Tanialca, N. Y Oct. 31
Packer Stakes. Jamaica. N. Y Nov. 1
Ravenswooil Handicap, Jamaica, N. Y Nov. 2
AqiKHluct Handicap, Aqueduct. N. Y Nov. 3
Wmidside Steeplechase, Aqueduct, N. Y'....Nov. 3
(Teedmoor .Stakes, Aqueduct N. Y Nov. 3
(ilen Cove Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y’^ Nov. 5
Bushwick Steeplechase, .\queduct, N. Y....Nov. 6
Babylon Handicap, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 6
Election Day Handicap. Aquetluct. N. Y Nov. (5
Woodmere Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 7
Relleroee Stakes, Aqueduct. N. Y Nov. 8
Uoslyn Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y' Nov. 9
(Jiieensboro Steeplechase, Aqueduct, N. Y...Nov. 10
Beldame Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 10
Edgemere Handicap, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 10
Ray view Handicap, A(iueduct, N. Y’ Nov. 12
Stonyhrook Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 13
Oakdale Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 14
Nassau Stakes, Aqueduct, N. Y Nov. 15
Opening Handicap, Oakland. (>1 Nov. 17
Inaugural Handicap, Crescent Park, New Or-
leaus. La Nov. 24
Thanksgiving Handicap. Oakland. Cal Nov. 29
.Tonathan Club Handicap, Ascot Park, Cal... Nov. 29
'riianksgiving Handicap, Crescent Park, New
Orleans, La Nov. 29
Crescent City Stakes, Crescent Park, New
Orleans. La Dec. 1
Santa Catalina Stakes, Ascot Park. Cal Dec, 8
Crocker Stakes, Oakland, Cal Doc. 8
ITollminary Derby, Crescent Park, New Or-
leans. Ijh Dec. 8
Initial Handicap, City Park, New Orleans.
La Dec. 13
T*cst Stakes, City Park, New Orleans, La... Dec. 1.5
Kivlprside Stakes. Ascot Park, Cal Dec. 15
I’acltic Union Handicap. Oakland, Cal Dec. 15
Planters Stakes. City Park. Now Orle-.ins. La. Dec. 19
('ypress Ilandi(*Hp, City Park, New Orleans,
La Dec. 22
Gcntllly Stakes, Crescent Park, New Orleans,
La Dec. 24
(’hristinas Handicap. Oakland. Cal Dec. 25
Ualifornia (’Inh Handb'ap. Ascot Park. Cal.. Dec. 25
Christmas Handicap, Crcscetit Park, New Or-
leans. Ijii Dec. 25
Sliced Handicap, Crescent Park, New Orleans.
La Dec. 20
^ !
Carnival Stakes, Crescent Park, New Orleans,
La Fell. 27
M’aterhouse Cnp, Oaklaiwl, Cal Marcli 2
Ascot Cnp. Ascot Park, Cal March 2
New Orleans City Railway Handicap, Cres-
cent Park, New Orleans, La Marcli 2
National Stakes, City Park, New Orleans,
La March 0
Undine Stakes. Oakland, Cal .Marcli 9
Santa Monica Stakes, Park, (’al March 9
Pickwick Steeplechase, City Park, New Or-
leans, La March 9
Ijouisiana Stakes, City Park, New Orleans.
La March 1.3
Thornton Stakes, Oakland, Cal Mardi 10
City Park Derby, City Park, New Orleans,
I*'! .March 10
Rosebud Stakes, Crescent Park, New Or-
leans, La .March 20
Cresi'eiit City Derby, Orescent Park, New
Orleans, La March 2.*1
Bell Stakes, Oakland. Cal March *j:i
Gobhard Handicap, Oakland. Cal March 30
.\udnbon Stakes, Crescent Park, New Or-
leans, La March 30
Magnolia Stakes. City Park, New Orleans,
La .\prll
Lyric IIandl<*ap, City Park, New Orleans, La. April 0
Juvenile Stakes, City Park, New Orleans, La. April 10
Ladies Stakes, City Park, New Orleans. La. April l.'l
Orleans Handicap, City Park. New Orleans.
La. April 13
Stakes Dates of 1907.
Rose Stakes. Ascot Park, Cal .Tan.
New Year Handicap, Oakland Gal Jan.
New War Handicap, Crescent Park, New
Orleans. La .Tan.
Follansliee Handicap. Oakland. Cal Jan.
Magnolia Staki*s, Cros<-ent Park, New Or-
leans. IjH Jan.
Holly woo<l Handicap. .Vsoot Park, Cal Jan.
Old Hickory Stakes, City Park, New Orleans,
La Jan.
.Vndrew Stakes, Oakland, Cal Jan. 1
(’oronado Beach Stakes, .\scot Park, Cal. .. .Jan. 12
Tnlane Stakes, City Park. New Orleans, La. Jan. 12
Cosmopolitan Hotel Hurdle, City Park, New
Orleans, La Jan. 1(5
Lissak Handicap. Oakland, f’al Jan. 19
I’asadcna Handicap, .Yscot Park, Cal Jan. 19
King Ckittoii Stakes City Park, New Orleans.
r>a Jan. 19
Burns Hnndicaii. Oakland, ('al .Ian. 2(5
Santa Anita Handicap, Ascot Park, Cal Jan. 2(5
.Mcndiants Handicap, C'resccMit i’ark. New
Orleans, La Jan. 2(5
Premier Stakes, Crescent I’ark, New Orleans,
La Jan. 30
.Vseot Oaks. Ascot Park, (’al Ueh. 2
('alifornia Oaks, Oakland, Cal Feb. 2
St. Charles Hotel Stakes, Crescent Park, New
Orleans. I^a Feb. 2
Lagarde Stakes, City Park, New Orleans,
La Feb. 4
Ase«it Handicap. Ascot Park. Cal *. ...Feb. 9
Palacv Hotel Ilandi<ai|i, Oakland, Cal Feb. 9
Ilcaslip Cni>, City Park. New Orleans. La... Feb. 9
Hex Handienp, (Mty I’ark. New Orleans, La.. Fell. I’J
(Jiinst Stsik«»s, Oakland, Cal Feb, K5
WtHi'llands Stakes. -\sc<it Park. (>;il Feb. 10
•VimTican 'Lurf .Vssociation Handicap, City
Park. New Orleans. La Feb. 1(5
(’ajlfoiaiiu m*ri).v, Oakland. Cal Feb. 22
.\scot Derby, .\s<*ot I’ark. Cal Feb. 2‘J
Santa Barham Stakes, Aseot Park, Cal Feb, 22
.Martha Washington Stakes, Crescent Park,
New Orleans. La Feb. 22
Busli ('up Han<llcap, Crescent Park, New.
Orleans. La Feb. 23
Latonia Jockey Club, Covington, Ky., Oetolier 22
to Novemlier 17.
Metroiiolitan Jockey Club, Jamaica, N. Y., Oclolicr
'22 to November 2.
Maryland Jockey Club, Baltimore, Md., Novenibcr
I to November 14.
Queens County Jockey Club, Aqueduct, N. Y.,
November 3 to November 1.5.
Washington Jockey Club, Bennings, D. (J., Novem-
ber 16 to December 1.
New California Jockey Club, Oakland. Cal., No-
vemlier 17, 1906, to about May 15, 1907.
Los Angeles Jockey Club, Ascot Park, Cal., No-
vember 29, 1906, to about March 13, li>07.
Novemlier 24 to December 8 (13 days).
Decem’oer 24 to January 5 (12 days).
January 21 to February 2 (12 days).
February 18 to March 2 (12 days),
ilarch IS to March 30 (12 days).
December 10 to December 22 (12 days).
January 7 to January 19 (12 days).
February 4 to February 16 (12 days).
March 4 to March 16 (12 days).
April 1 to April 13 (12 days).
San .\ntoni<i. Texas, October 31 to Novfinbrr 11.
Houston, Texas, Novemlier 12 to NovciiiImt 17.
Shreveport, La., November 17 to Novemlx'r 25.
in Frank Baines’ November Monthly l.s a wonder. Selects
its own plays and has averaged $14 daily for three months
on $400 capital Also gives Salvator and three other poniilar
sy«t( ms in full. Koity-eight pages of invaluable inHide in-
formation for turf speculator*. Not a lemon. Ail for $100
pesrpaid. Prosiicctus free. Don’t mbs it Strictly honest
dealing has made us a thousand friend.s.
MEITOR PUB. CO , 82 Duane St . New York.
R. 31i4y 59 Dearborn Street, dKlcamo.
Tuesday’s Special: 50-34-26-32-54-70-28-60-67-81-76-34.
Entry List: 600-610-655-659-665-670 671-673.
ELECTORINE, br. f, 2, by The E lector— Nancy Till (D. Lehan). Weight today 109.
6.5171 (’hurchill I) 3-4 1:144 Ml 3 2 2 2* 3*4 W Fi.scher Light. Oinductor, Zipango, I.. Wind.
(55121 Uhurchill 1> 3-4 1:114 fast 100^ 4 4 4 3* 5*4 W McIn’re.Mi.ssOtlicitHis, L.(,'onthict»>r. F. Fagot.
♦Mdini (’hurchill I) 3-4 1:14 fast 103 3 3 3 56 4*4 D Boland ('hasc. Bitter .Miss. Zipango.
FRANCES SHANLEY, b. f. 2, by The Elector— Kentucky Babe (H. Leachman). Weight today 92.
65247'inja :M 1:154 goo<l S84 9 !> 9 7*4 W Utt Clmse, Still .Mann, .Marniorcan.
GRACE KIMBALL, b. f, 2, by Greenan — Lorius (H. J. Sargeant). Weight today 97.
6.’.2.;2 l..utonia 3-4 1:142 fast lOU 10 4 4 4* 3*4 W Fischer fa'-xoline, Tanager. John Kaiifiuaii.
(V1684 WimLsor 5-8 1:02 fast 97 7 7 6 5* 34 Swain Entre V’oiis, .Minot. Dc Oro.
64oR.5 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:06| fast 103J 2 1 1 24 3* Mountain Restoration, Plaiiute, BetsyBinford
DRY DOLLAR, b. g, 2, by Maxio— Dare Dollar (T. D. Sullivan).
649.55 Brighton B S-4 l:13g fast 105 3 3 3 7 7‘*^4Garner
64479 Coney Island 5 1-2 f 1:07 fast 94 12 11 11 111 11*® Garner
64347 Saratoga 5 1-2 f 1:08| good 100 1 1 1 8»» 10” Finn
BOTTLES, blk. c, 2, by Isidor— Barmaid II. (C. V. Muller).
C.'i2.‘I2 Ijatonia 3-4 1:142 fa.**! lo.'. 7 s 6 S* X‘*AA’bU(iion
64417 I.a.tonia 3-4 1:178 hvy ln5 4 4 3 VM 3=1 A’buehon
64220 l.Jitonla 5 1-2 f 1:11 slow KH5 7 6 6 7* 6* (.' Morris
IDALIA, b. f. 2, by Jean Bereaud — Formula (Mrs. J. C. Milam),
61.5:5.s Oaklawn 4 1-2 f ,558 fast b*s :; 4 6 6® Srwt-ll
61444 Oaklawn 1-2 50| mud 113 1 2 3* 1* Sewell
RESIDE, b. 0. S, by Resolute— Misa Eddie (L- L. Lamar).
Saturday . . Jotin IRo^GTS •
. 7-2
Friday .... I IVirOfl • •
. 7-1
Thursday . . FoiTSOlU.C2l. • • •
. 2-1
Wednesday. John KaufmaH .
. 8-5
64986 Hamilton
64946 Hamilton
64928 HamiltoD
3-4 1:154 fast 106
3-4 1:144 good 91
6 1-2 r X;09| hvy 100
Weight today 97.
Merrill, Victoria B.. Dau Buhre.
Temaceo, Monfort. Eudora.
Beniay, Fish Hawk. ()uagga.
Weight today 100.
Lexoline. Tanager, (Jr:a*e Kindmll.
Frank Fleslier. Demo, La Thorpe.
Frirtlon. M.nrmorcan. .Indlth TaiuLsc
W eight today 101.
.\I. ('ninming.'^. Gleiuloveer. Storm
-M. Wclcli, Al.(^Mimuiiigs,Alnitt’»Pet.
Weight today 108.
2i> C H ShiH’gFIre Alarm, (TliarleyM'ard.I’oneinah.
3*4 C H Shill’gToots .Mo<ik, Cicely, Baby Willie.
2^ C ti SbUi’gEmihQla, Javaueoo. Lord Rossingtoh
83 85, 119 La Salle St.,
Roysl Br66Z6 2-1 won Gopor . . . Lostir Tup t anprcT R17CTI
TUc onlr «wo ««t onl on Mo«d«,. I J[ Hi^ 1 1 lllL l •
“Our Information Comes from Owners Direct from the Tracks/*
On Wednesday in the third race at Latonia we will turn loose a
trick that will make Vm sit up and take notice* No hot-air promises*
Begin with us now* It costs you $5*00 for one week*
Suite 608 171 Washington Street Chicago, 111.
Turf Exchange
will number between 600 and TOO head of
Thoroughbred Stallions, Mares, Yearlings and
A Few of the \ \ Sale Will Be Held at WILSON’S Horsemen’s
Entire Dispersal of ^
Capt. S. S. Brown’s \
including the stallions, \ \
LARGE Consignment from
V Elmendorf Stud.
2 Special Trains on Illinois Central R. R,
Leaving Randolph Street at 12:30 and fit 5 p* m*t stopping only at Van
Buren^ 39th and 63rd Streets* Returning grains at 4:45 and 5:25^ making
above stops* Roby street cars on yellow tine also make close connections*
Entire Dispersal of the Late lOjX
OAKWOOD STUD, including X^^\
the very successful stallion. Imp. \
WOOLSTHORPE, and the dam '
of SALVIDERE, winner this year
of $40,000.
A Large Consignment
Mr. John E. Madden’s
V Hamburg Place Stud.
This is the only Special we wired our clients since
we closed up our Louisville office.
Oct. 20— AUDITOR 4-1 WON
Oct. 19— SUZANNE 8-1 Lost
Oct. 18— HARDING 7-10 WON
Oct. 17— STILL ALARM 8-6 WON
Oct. 16— ORATORIAN 9-2 WON
Oct. l.«»— INVINCIBLE 60-1 Lost
Oct. 13— AUDITOR 7-6 WON
Oct. 11— ELLIOTT 26-1 WON
Oct. 10— PONTOTOC 30-1 Lost
Oct. 9— WEXFORD 7-1 WON
Oct. 6— POTTER 16-1 WON
Oct. 6— MOBENDO 2-1 WON
Oct. 4— BENSONHURST 0-1 Lost
Oct. 1— MARVEL P 2-1 WON
The above Bill Lester & Co. wired theii* clients
fliirlug the eighteen days of the Churchill l^owus
meeting. This statement can vcritie<l hy Daily
KiU’iug Form and Louisville Courier Jmiriial.
One I have an interest in. He has the sjteed and
Hiainiiia to run rings .around the rest of the fiehl
amt is really fin* the fray. 20 to 1 shouhl the
|U‘ii-e on this cinch.
A liuininer. fit. and ready, nicely placed, and all
Things arc attended to. .'^Iiould breeze all the way
Jit aliout 1.1 lo 1.
Here is your opportunity and don’t fall to take
advantage of it. What 1 give you is the goods at
;i price with stable iNWinections betting a bunch.
J am strongly conaiecled and can convini*e the most
skt>piical person witli a short trial.
Suite 37, 90 La Salle St„ Chicago, III.
Tel, Main 2928. Owiers and Trainers.
TFDMC* ^2-00 daily, or
I L 1%, m D 0 $10 FOR 6 WIRES.
Horse Owners and Expert Handicappers.
. Keioin *»10, 114 Dearborn 81., Cble.ago
$1.00 D.AILY $5.00 WEEKLY
7 - Yesterday oar one best hat
Established 1890. at Jamaica was:
royal brhze,
WON . 2-1
20-1 Special
For Wednesday
deliver the goods
HiffiUr ^ ^ certainty. Last week’s
one-hest-bet record; 3 win-
tiers, 1 loser and 2 scratches.
02 per cent, winners this
year. If you want an abso-
We Never Misrep- certainly that brings
resent, large returns, subscribe at
• once to this serie.s.
Entire Dispersal of R. H. ANDER— \ ^
eluding TEA’S OVER, dam of DICK
firc., winners of about $1OT,000.
Entire Dispersal of
’ Y A Mr.
URrrY^^\^^'^‘^ Gideon’s
1,000. \^\ Holmdel Stud.
FHOM \^* \ FROM other
Mr. Milton Young s
McGrathiana Stud, etc.XoX '’sa™
Mr. Milton Young’s
We Never Misrep-
1 \ Room 312
^ M 59 Dearborn Street
$1 Daily $4 Weekly
LIND ALE 4-1 2nd
AUDITOR 2-1 2nd
Thit CaIa PRESEHTS many opportunities to the FARM eras well as
Rill V rnnaa PT-rrn I ■ cat*ioaMee er thi» oikeat uale, wnte f
Roeai 87, 71 Dearbera atreet, Ohleaga. HI.
Yesterday’s Special was: PANIOUE 6-1 Third.
11.00 Per Month. 25 Cents Per Copy.
Shreveport, Nov. 17 to 25, 1906.
The State Fair of Louisiana announces the following Running Races^ rules
of the Texas Thoroughbred Association to govemt of which association
we are members^ except as otherwise specified:
Saturday, November 17.
SIX FURLONGS— Purse $150.00, of which $.^1.00 to
the second horse and to the third horse. For
3-yea r-oids and up. Horses entered for $600.00 to
carry weight; u lbs. allowed for each $100.00 to
$ 200 . 00 .
FIVE FURLONGS— Purse $150.00, of which S.^.I.OO
to the second horse and $l.’i.00 to the third horse.
For all ages that h.ive not won more than three
races in 1906; 2-year-old.s to carry 94 lbs., 3-year-
olds to carry 110 lbs., others to carry 114 lbs.
ONE MILE— Purse $200.00, of which $40.00 to the
second horse and $20.60 to the third horse. For 3-
y ear-olds and upward. Ten lbs. below the scale.
Horses entered for $1,000.00 to carry weight; one
pvumd allowed for each $100.00 to $200.00.
Monday, November 19.
SIX FURLONGS — Purse $250.00. For 2-year-olds
10 lbs. below the scale. Non-winners of four races
allowed .5 lbs.; of three races 10 lbs.; of two races
16 Ib.s. ; beaten maidens 20 lbs.
ONE MILE — Purse $250.00. For 3-year-olds and
np. $1,600.00 weight for age. Two {tounds allowed
for each $100.00 to $300.00. Winners of four or
more races in IIKKJ not to be entered for less than
$0IXB tNt
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For .3-year-
olds and upward that have not won more than three
races since September 1, 1906, 10 lbs. below the
scale. All to be sold for $400.
FIVE FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For all ages,
weight for age.
Tuesday, November 20.
SIX FURLONGS — Purse $250.00. For 3-year-olda
and upward, $800.00 weight for age. 3 lbs. allowed
for each $100.00 to $200,00.
FIVE FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For 2-year-
olds. Weight for age. Non- winners of a race the
value of $500.00 or four races of any value allowed
6 lbs.; of a race the value of $300.00 or three races
of any value 12 lbs; beaten maidens 18 lbs.
ONE MILE — ^Purse $250.00. For 3-year-olds and
upward 20 lbs. below the scale. Winners since
September 1 penalized 2 lbs. for each win. The
winner to be sold for $400.00.
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For 3-year-
olds and upward that have, not won a race the
value of $400.f)0 this year, 10 Ib.s. below the scale.
Non-winners of throe races allowed 4 lbs.; of two
races 8 lbs.? of one race 12 lbs.
Wednesday, November 21.
FOUR FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For maidens,
all ages, weight for age.
SIX FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. A handicap for
.3 year-olds and upward. Entries Monday, Novemt*er
19; weights and acceptances Tuesday, November 20.
FIVE FURLONGS— jrurse $250.00. For 2-year-
olds, 10 lbs. lielow the scale. $$«10.00 weight for
age. 2 lbs. for each $100.00 to $200.00.
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For 3-yenr-
olds and hpward; 3-year-olds to carry 105 Ihs. ; 4 -
yenr-olds and upward to carry 114 lbs. 'riie winner
to be sold for $;100.00.
Thursday, November 22.
SIX FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For 3-year olds
and upward that have not won more than three
races since Jnly 1, 1906, 8 lbs. below the scale.
Non-winners of two races allowed 4 lbs.; of tuie 8 lbs.; beaten maidens 12 lbs.
SIX FURLONGS — Purse $250.00. A handicap for
2-year-olds. Entries Tuesday, November 20; weights
and acceptances Wednesday, November 21.
FIVE FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For fillies and
mares, .all ages, 10 lbs. below the scale. Winner to
be sold at auction for $400.00.
Friday, November 23.
ONE MILE — Purse $250.00. For 2-year-olds, 10
lbs. Ik*1ow the scale. Horses enteretl for $l,000,0i»
to carry weight; 3 lbs. less for each $1W».00 to
FIVE FURLONGS— Purse $250.00. For 3-year-
olds and upward. For horses that hare started and
not won at the meeting. Weight for age. The win-
ner to be sold for $300.00.
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.00.. For S-year-
olds and upward. $.'>00.00 weight for age; 3 lbs. al-
lowed for esich $10(>.00 to $200.00.
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.06. A handicap
for 3-ye:ir-olds ami upward. Entries Wednesda.v,
November 21; weights and acceptances Thursday,
Noveml>er 22.
Saturday, November 24.
FIVE FtTBLONGS— F utm *260.00. For bentrn
non-winners at the meeting, all ages, weight for
age. Maidens allowed 5 lbs.. If 3-year-olds and up-
ward 10 ll>s.
SEVEN FURLONGS— Purse $250.00, For 3-year-
olds and upward. $600.00 weight for age; 3 lbs.
allowed for each $100.00 to $200.00.
SIX FURLONGS — ^Furse $250.00. A handicap for
all ages. Entries Thursday, November 22; weights
and acceptances Friday, November 23.
MILE AND A QUARTER— Purse $250.00. For 3-
year-olds and upward. $1,600.00 weight for age;
2 lbs. allowed for each $100.00 to $400.00, Winners
of a race the value of $400.00 in 1906 not to be
entered for less than $800.00.
Dallas, San Antonio and Houston, Texas, precede our meetingf* Five
running: tacts daily at each track*
Shreveport, La. SECRETARY: